O hai, it's Keisha. Thank u for readin mah blog. I glad u here! :)
Today, we had a lot of thunnerstorbs! I mean a lot, a lot! It was rainin so much, I thought evrythin had turned into a river. It was hours before the storm was over. I got really scared and ran all crazy around the house. D.R. let me jump on her bed. I also jumped on the Good Couch in the front room, which made Mom tell me to stop. Oops.
When the rain ended, I went outside with Dad. It was hard to smell the lawn because everything was drenched. I still took my walk.
D.R. had a new part of a tooth put in! She had somethin called a crown, which is like half a tooth. She has to go back in a couple weeks, to get two more fillings. She said it was not fun to go to the dentist, and she had to take a long nap when she came home. Mom got some tooth work done a few days ago, too. Yipes. :)
I got to watch some teevee today. When I was in D.R.'s room, she had on the Animal Planet channel! We watched "Dogs 101"! Hooray! :) It was a good episode, with chihuahuas and poodles as the main dogs. Then "Cats 101" was on after it.
I think I am gonna go now. I see u soon! Thanks. :)
Hello to woo on Khaturday...
Khould woo please send some of that rain to Pawsylvania?
Thank woo!
Thunnerstorbs!!! My! We hardly ever gets those here! Hardly once a year even.
My mom hates the dentist! I haven't had my teethies worked on before!
That rain sounds really scawy!
hi keisha~! we LOVE animal planet--and especially DOGS 101~!! :D
im so sorry the thunderstorms frighten you. :(
Thank u, Khyra. :) I will try really hard to tell the clouds to go see u in Pawsylvania. :)
Thank u, Cheyenne-Millie. :) My friend's toof is feelin a little better now. The dentist is kind of scairy, but u feel better when it's done. :)
Thank u, Mack. :) The rain was really scary. It is over now, so I feel better. I got to go outside before. It was nice and sunny. :) Thanks.
Thank u, Princess Luna. :) I learned a lot on the dog show. I din't know poodles used to help hunters a long time ago. Wow. :)
I sure hopes that the sun shine finds you tomorrow. :)
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Thank u, Maggie Mae. :) It is sunny now where I live. I feel kinda better today. :) Hugs! {{{Maggie Mae}}}
Dear Keisha,
thanks a bunch for coming by our bloggie.
we love making new furiends and e think you are just so adorable.
mummy especially likes your lovely shades of monochrome...!
hope we can b grrt forever friends.
buddy n ginger
Hi Keisha! As usual we are behind in visiting you - it sounds like you had a very bad stormy Saturday - we hate storms too! They make us very nervous. You are lucky you could go on D.R.'s bed though - we bet that made you feel a lot better! We hope that you don't have any more storms any time soon - we know they like to be in groups but we saw you had sun - hopefully it will stay that way!!
Thank u, Buddy and Ginger and Aksharaa. :) I is happy for ur kind words. I is glad to know u too! :)
Thank u, Amy and Cats. :) We has no rain tonite, so I was not as scared. I sat next to Mom and Dad while they watched teevee. It was good. :) Thank u! :)
Hey there, Thanks for stopping by my blog! Hope that we can be friends and that you'll come by again soon.
Marge doesn't like thunderstorbs much, either, but I fed her lots and lots of treats during every storm and it made things a lot better. Maybe you can try that? At least the storm season is almost over!
Thank u, Sam and Marge. :) I like treats. I would love to have maybe some crumbly little bits of a cookie or a milkbone when I hear thunner. Also, hugs help me a lot. :)
Hi Keisha,
You left a comment on STINKY's (mum: Jaffa) bloggie, thank you for visiting him, but maybe you can just visit my bloggie next time....hehe!
Nice to meet you, you're a very brave little gurrrrl protecting your famlee!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Thank u, Sunshade. :) Is nice to meet u. I protect my famlee from lotsa things: loud noises, ducks, delivery guys... I have a good home, and I am very grateful. :) Thanks.
Hi, Keisha!
Thanks for coming to visit my blog!
Thunderstorms are not funny! I bark at them hoping they will go away! Hmmm...
Ouchie with the Dentist!
Kisses and hugs
Thank u, Lorenza. :) I glad to see u too. :) It is sunny today, and I got to go on my first walk of the mornin. I am glad. :)
Hi Keisha!
Thanks for your nice comment on my blog.
Hope you're having a better weather today!
Thank u, Thor. :) Today it was sunny. It was also my Dad's birthday! :) We had a good time.
Hello Keisha, it's lovely to meet you in blogging world. We never like thunderstorm either but we've a lot here. Eva will bark at every thunder!!!
Thank u, Priscilla and Eva. :) I bark sometimes when I hear thunners, or I run from room to room. When I find Mom, she hugs me. That's the good part. :)
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