Hello there, it's Toosdey and I am Keisha. Thank u for readin mah blog. :) I glad to see u. :)
It was kind of a fun time the past few days. It rained sometimes, but I still got to go for walkies with my Dad. One time I came back from walkies after it started to rain, and my friend D.R. petted me, and I was still kinda wet. Haha! :) So I went flipflipflip with my ears. Monday was sunny, so I didn't have to do that. I did stretch out on the floor for a bit.
My hooman friend D.R. went to a speshul innervoo this mornin. She talked to a very nice lady at an agency who helped her learn lots of stuff on puttin together a good resume. D.R. says this helps you find jobs and stuff. :)
D.R. has a noo video game machine she is playin a lot, too. She had a different one before, but she traded it in. Sometimes she gets good pointses and other times, her spaceships splode. Oops. :)
We have moar duckies livin near our house than ever! You can see ducks every time you go out. There is a duck living on the nest by the corner of the house again. D.R. said she thinks she saw some eggs on the lawn. Oh boy! This means bebehs. :) Wheeeee! :) Now we gotta think up names for the little critters. It will be a happy day when they all hatch and meet their Mom and Dad. :)
Yesterday, I walked into D.R.'s room and sniffed stuff. It was fun. The floor smelled like shoes. Then D.R. pet me. :) That was good!
A neighbor's dog stopped by to visit the other day. He was runnin around without a leash, which is Not Really So Good, I thought, but he was okay because D.R. found him. She walked up to him and saw that he had a collar with two tags. They had his information on them. He was very healthy. D.R.'s Dad came outside to take a look. He said the dog belonged to someone who lived down the block. D.R. said, "Whew!" because she had been a little worried. Then the dog went back across the street to his house, and he was okay. He was a cute golden-colored dog, not a retriever, a smaller dog. Maybe I will say hello if I see him, next time I am on a walk. :)
Okay, that is all for now. I see u later. Thanks! :)
Sounds like you had a fun time!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Toosdey's are great...
When we get to see a new pic of you!
Hi Keisha! We are glad to see you today! We have been super busy and are finally getting caught up visiting all our friends!
We think it is funny that you flopped your ears when you were wet - we bet it looked really cute! But we are glad the weather is better because it is much more fun when there isn't any rain!
And you are very lucky to have all those ducks - you will have to take a picture and post it when the babies come - we bet they will be super cute!!
Thank u, Maggie Mae. :) I went for two walkies so far today. I like that a lot! :)
Thank u, Mack. :) I think the camera is funny. It makes a big bright flash. I used to be scared of it, but now I think it is okay. :)
Thank u, Amy and Cats. :) D.R. says Mrs. Duck is protectin her nest a lot. I think the duck babies will be very kyoot. :) It will be fun to see them learn to walk and swim! :)
Woo've had some furry busy days!
I'm going to nap now!
Thank u, Khyra. :) I had a good time today. I got to sit on the couch with D.R. and her Dad. They watched the teevee, and they also petted me. Yay! :)
You have a very busy life! I think having a duck family to watch over would be fun! And it would be great if you got to make friends with the brown dog...but he should only cross the street when humans say it is ok. I like to shake my entire body when I get wet...my long hair sends water flying everywhere!
Thank u, Siku Marie. :) Sometimes there are so many birdees outside our house, u can hear them go chirp chirp and quack quack! It is fun, like having guests over to visit. :)
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