Hi there! I am Keisha, a dog. Welcome to mah blog. Thank u. :)
Today is Fries-day, so u can has french fries!! :) Hee hee. I like mine with kechoop. I especially like when my hooman friends throw them to me, and I nom the fries right out of midair. That is a fun game.
D.R. let me have little bits of crust from the pizza she had tonite! :) She had one of those tiny pizzas that is only for one person. D.R. broked off a couple little bits and fed them to me. Yay, they were good. :)
It has been raining a lot here. It is the start of hurricane season, which I think goes until the fall. Yipes, I don't like rain. I stay by Mom and Dad until it stops.
D.R. got a new radio. It is magic! It can pick up thousands of stations, if they have an Internet signal. The radio can read wi-fi signals. Yipee! :) D.R. put on some stations last nite, and she said they were very good. I came in and listened to one of them. I like to go in D.R.'s room. It's fun to sniff under the furniture.
In the piksher up there, u can see me and my Dad. We are goin for a walk. :)
Okay, I gonna sit on the floor while Dad watches teevee. Thank u! :) Bye.
Sounds like you've been getting some good noms my friend!!
I hates da her-i-cane season too. It gets scary, specially when I watch Mom go all cracker dog.
Our mom had fries today, but she didn't share with us! She did share the potato chips she had at dinner though! We hope no hurricane gets you. We would love some rain to cool things off a little!
MMM I love french fries too! I like mine with chili sauce although that usually gives me the bad runs but, I still love it!
Thank u, d'Artagnan. :) Yes, my hooman friends give me yummy snacks sometimes. I like those! :)
Thank u, Amber. :) I like to hide from noises. It is good if I get to cuddle with my hooman friends. :)
Thank u, OK Cats. :) Sometimes a little bit of rain is okay. It makes the lawn smell good, which is fun when I'm taking a walk. :)
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) I sorry u gets the bad tummy. Maybe next time, u can try kechoop! :)
Hi Keisha, I hope that the hurricanes don't come anywhere near your house. That would be very scary. I don't mind the rain but I don't like thunder or lightning. It's pretty scary. My dad has an professor from school that lives in Palm City (Florida) and they get some nasty storms that way too. Be careful and look after your hoomans.
You are lucky! My mom is selfish! She says her favorite part of the pizza is the crust!
Thank u, Sam. :) We been lucky so far. I gonna keep watchin the weather to make sure. :)
Thank u, Cheyenne-Millie. :) I likes to share any part of my hoomans' food. :)
I wonder if I would like Pizza.
Hi there, glad I came to visit. Keisha you sure are cute. Could you ask your Mom or Dad to please send your email to Mary Ann Miller so she can let you know how to pay for the item that you won on the Cat blogosphere auction. Mary Ann's email is miller478@comcast.com
Thanks so much.
Thank u, Marg. :) I glad to see u here! It always good to meet new friends. :) {{{Marg}}}
Thank u, Diamond. :) Pizza is really tasty! It has cheese, and tomato sauce, and bread. I hope you get to have some next time! :)
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