O hai! My name is Keisha and I am a spaniel dog. Thank u for lookin at mah blog today. :)
Yesterday, I had a not-good thing happen. I was feelin okay until the evening, then I started to get a rumble in my tummy. I walked around a little bit, and I throo up. Mom and Dad cleaned it up. (Sry.) That helped me feel a little better. I was walkin kinda slow for the rest of the day. D.R. pet me when she came home. I didn't trew up any more after that. Mom and Dad say they don't know why it happened. I was Not Allowed to have any snacks for the rest of the day. This morning, I felt pretty good and I ate my breakfast like normal. I think I will be okay from now on. :)
There was a truck before! It was very loud. It drove past our house. It went Grrrrr. I didn't bark, because it moved away pretty soon. I was in D.R.'s room then. Everything turned out all right. Whew. :)
Yesterday, I went to bed kinda early. I went into Dad's room and lay down on the towel by the bed. Sometimes it is just good to get an extra snooze. The towel was very soft and comfy. :)
Dad watched some teevee this morning. There were a bunch of people talking about the nooz. They just sat there and talked, like this: Blah blah blah, blah blah. If I were on that show, it would have good stuff, like kittens and the best parks to go to on your walkies.
My Dad is gettin some food from the kitchen. I think I am gonna see dat. Thank u. :)
Oh mee hopes your tummy feels better. It too bad to lose all dat good food after you eated it.
Aww... we hope you feel better soon.
~Slash & Bronzy
Keisha, sweet girl..so glad you are feeling betters today. I wonder what made your tummy all rumbly? I hope whatever it is, is alll gone now. You have a sweet face. I saw it today in your bloggy.
Thank u, Amber. :) I feel good today. I think all the bad stuff is gone. I like food and I am glad to be back to normal. :)
Thank u, Slash and Bronzy. :) I am feelin okay today. I ate all my food and nothing bad happened. :) I hope I get a tummy rub to make it perfect. :)
Thank u, Admiral Hestorb. :) I glad u like my piksher. I like that neat pirate hat u have. :)
Sorry you bomited, Keisha. I hope your tummy is all better now.
Thank u, Zoo. :) I am doin good now. I walked into D.R.'s room, and she pet me! :)
Thank u, Daisy. :). I am feelin better now. I stayed by Mom and Dad, and I didn't get sick all day. :)
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