Hi there! I am Keisha. Welcome to mah blog, and thank u for reading it. I am happy u are here. :) (shakes paw)
I am having a good week. On Wensdee, I did a lot of stuff. I got to go for walkies with my Dad! We went outside, and I got to see the pretty sunshine, and butterflies and lizards and stuff. I chased the lizards. It was a fun game. :) When I got home, D.R. watched baseball on the teevee, and Dad played games on his compooter. D.R. also read a book and listened to some music. I stretched out and thought about stuff. It's good to sit and lie down. That way, you can relax. :)
I had a little ouchie in my back for a while. Mom got really worried. She gived me my medicine, and I got better. We were watching "House Hunters," where nice people try to pick a house that they like. I always hope they pick one with a big yard, because I would like to run in the yard, if I lived there. Anyhoo, I rested after I took my pill, and then I snored a little. D.R. said so. She told me she likes doggie snores a lot. :) That makes me smile. :)
I am going to have an advenchur this weekend! Mom and Dad are going on a special trip. They are going to a wedding in San Diego. That means D.R. and I get to stay in the house all by ourselves, like a big camping trip. We can eat pizza and watch movies! :) D.R. says I can sleep on the couch, in my new blue bed, or anywhere I like. It will be good. :) I can't wait to watch baseball on the big teevee set.
Yesterday, I walked into D.R.'s room before I went to sleep. She gived me a big hug and some cuddles. It made me feel good! :) When we were watching teevee, she pet my tummy for ten minutes in a row. That's a lot! I was so warm and happy, I smiled a big, happy grin. Ahhhh.
Okay, that is it for now. I will see u later. Bye-bye! I luvs u. Thanks. :)