O hai. :) I has some new information for u!! I am very happy to tell u. :) Yay!! :)
I went to the doctor yesterday. My Mom and Dad taked me to the v-e-t's office. Yipes! I was really scaired, but Dr. Green was nice, and he checked me out. He said I had a 'slipped disc,' which is where a Circle in your Spinal-whatsis goes 'Boop' and slips, so it isn't where it should be. Dr. Green said there was also a lot of 'stuff' or fluid glop in my Spinal Column, thing; at least, I think that is what Mom said. Anyway, Dr. Green did some special doctor stuff to my back, and then gave Mom and Dad some medicine to take home with me. So, they gave me the medicine, and I felt really, really sleepy, and stayed on the couch most of the day. I only ate a little bit, and Mom and Dad had to take me outside maybe twice. I started to feel better later on. Mom says the medicine had time to work really well. All the hugs and cuddles helped, too! :) I even got to have a crunchy biskit, and some bacons Mom cooked special just for me. :)
My hoomans had a lot of stress from being scaired and stuff. Dad went to sleep a little early. Mom sleeped on the couch. D.R. couldn't get to sleeps, and stayed up reading and watching teevee. I am very thankful that I have such kind hoomans who love me and take care of me. :) I (heart) u. :)
I also glad for my friends who read my blog an' stuff. Thank u! {{{hugs}}} Please to not worry too bad. I gonna be okay! :) I just need some sleep, and some more hugs tomorrow. I see u later! Bye-bye! :)
We're gonna keep sending you purrs my friend.
Oh Keisha, I just read about your being poorly! I am glad you are already starting to feel better. Harley and I are going to send you our best feel-better purrs!
I will be taking it easy today in your honour!
sending super energie now .... :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Oh no...that sounds painful. I hope you feel better.
Thank u, Inigo and d'Artagnan. :) I am feelin kinda good today! I went for a walk with my Dad! My hoomans felt much better after that. :)
Thank u, Daisy and Harley. :) I got to eat a snack today! I had cheez, and a peanut too. They were very yummy. It felt good to be back to eating tasty food! :)
Thank u, Khyra. :) I think I will take some naps, too. The couch is comfy, and so is the big bed in Mom's room. Then sometimes, I sit on the floor. All naps are pretty good. :)
Thank u, El'bow and Hauwii. :) I am glad that the medicine is working. I am very grateful to my hooman friends! :)
Thank u, Sagira. :) I am startin to feel a little more good now. :) My Dad took me outside to the lawn. I also got some petting on the tummy, when I came back inside. I will rest and be happy I have good friends! :)
We hopes that your feeling lots better! I am sorry about all the problems you have been having recently.
Thank u, Cheyenne-Millie. :) I feel kinda better now. I can walk around, my back doesn't hurt so much, and I was able to eat my food and go for walks today. :) Thank u so much. :)
I hope your meds make you feel much much better soon!
Please, take care.
Paws crossed here for you!
Kisses and hugs
Thank u, Lorenza. :) I am feelin a little better today! I got to sit on the couch a lot, and watch teevee with my Dad. :) It was good. Thank u. :)
Feel much much better soon!!
Thank u, Tanuki Maxx. :) I am glad I didn't have to have a big operashun or stay in the hospital all day. I got to have my treatment and go home. :) My fambly takes very good care of me! I love them verrrry much. :)
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