O hai there! :) My name is Keisha. Thank u for readin mah blog. I am a dog. I glad u are reading here today. :)
My friend D.R. and I had a really neat time this weekend! We got to stay together the whole time, in the house, just like it was a camping trip, only we didn't have a tent. Hee hee. :) U want to know what we did? When D.R. got up on Caturday, she took me for a walk outside. The sun was shining. The birdees were flutterin. I sniffed the lawn and walked for a little bit. Then I turned around and went home. D.R. gived me some food, along with my speshul medicine that makes my legs feel better. I sat on the couch, and D.R. put on the teevee. She watched some neat stuff. The sun was shinin in the window. D.R. opened up the blinds so that I could see outside. Later on, D.R. had a cookie and I got to eat part of it. That was really good! :)
I sleeped for part of the afternoon. D.R. was in her room, and did some other stuff. Then, I went to see her. I jumped on the bed, like a big crazy dog! U should have seen me! I could fly!!!1! :) Wheee. I landed on D.R.'s bed, and we watched teevee together. She hugged me a lot. It was a warm, snuggly time. After that, I just rested for a while, and D.R. read a book. It was good to spend some time together.
Sundae mornin, D.R. went to church. She took me for walkies before she left. Then I went to sleep. When she came back, we went for another walk, and I got to have some food. Then D.R. put on the teevee again. I did another flying jump! Only this time, I kind of landed on D.R.'s leg. Oops. Sry. :) Her foot had a little paw-shaped spot on it. She was okay, though. D.R. showed me the e-book reader that she has! It is like a compooter, only it has books on it. I like it. She says I can borrow it if I want. :)
Okay, that is all for now. Mom and Dad are coming back tomorrow. I will be glad to see them. I hope u has a nice Sundae evenin too. Thank u! Bye bye. :)
I'll paw woo had a happee!
What a great day AND weekend!
It sounds like you two had a very wonderful weekend together!
Sounds like a very happee weekend!
Sounds like you had a fun weekend wif D.R., but it is always nice to see mom and dad again.
Woofs and Licks,
MAggie MAe
Thank u, Khyra. :) I jumped on D.R. a lot this mornin! It was like playin tag. :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) I got to sleep bumped up against D.R. part of the time. That made me feel very comfabul. :)
Thank u, Creek Cats. :) I liked goin outside, and then comin home to watch teevee and eat stuff. It was pretty good! :)
Thank u, Maggie Mae. :) I will give my Mom and Dad big hugs when they get back. It will be fun to see them, too. :)
Sounds like you had a great weekend. :)
El'bow & Hauwii
Hi Keisha! It sounds like you had a very fun weekend with D.R.! And we could just picture you jumpin' up on the bed - that had to be so fun! And we know that D.R. understood that when you jumped and hit her leg it was an accident - we do that too sometimes! We know you had fun but we also know you will be happy to see your mom and dad when they get home!
Thank u, Sagira. :) It was really fun! I got to cuddle D.R. a lot, and she gived me yummy food and snacks. That was good. :)
Thank u, El'bow and Hauwii. :) I had a fun time. It is good to have my whole famlee back together, too. :)
Thank u, Amy and Cats. :) Jumpin on the bed was a really fun game. I am glad D.R.'s leg is all better, though. :)
Hi Keisha! It sure sounds like you had fun with D.R. -- what a great weekend! :)
Thank u, meowmeowmans. :) Yes, I had a lot of fun with my friend D.R. :) It was like taking a vacation. And I didn't even have to leave! :)
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