(Here is me on my blankey. U can see the speshul paw print!) :)
O hai dere! My name Keisha. I a dog. I am glad u are readin mah blog today. :)
Wow, today was inneresting. Dad and I went for a lot of walkies. We went kinda fast, because Dad was kinda cold, and I didn't want him to get the sneezies or somethin. Dad does not have furs like mine. Maybe I will lend him my nice red and black jacket. :) He has a hat that I like, though. I hope he lets me borrow it.
When my friend D.R. came home from work, she pet me on the head. I felt really good! :) D.R. said she was thinking about me when she was at work. :) That made me even moar happi. :)
D.R. said she heard it from some elves, I might be gettin some nice stuff from Santy Paws!! All right!! :) I am sleepin next to the tree, to be super safe. I didn't hear the reindeer yet, but I think Santa has a compooter, and he probly can read stuff. So please, be extra good! :) Don't fight with the other critters or the baby. Then, maybe u can get a blankey or somethin. :) Or the best gift of all-- plenty of Luv. :)
D.R.'s Mom gived some food to the local shelter. Yay! :) Clappity clappity. I are very proud of her. It is easy to bring some food or cat litter or somethin nice to the shelter. Even a little bit helps. And if u can't has a money, u can just go there and visit the nice critters, and spend some time. Critters like hoomans to share the Luv. :)
Okay, I am goin beddy-bye early. I need a nice big sleepy-time before I get up for breakfast and the nooz with Dad! :) I hope u has a good sleep too. Bye! :)
Night night!
We'll be khurling up soon too!
Furry nice of D.R.'s Mom!
I hope woo get lots of walks tomorrow!
Thank u, Khyra. :) I hope u has a good, warm sleeps. I would like moar walkies tomorrow, too! Maybe I can see whether me or Dad can see more skwirels. :)
Keisha, I am certain Santa Paws will bring you something nice! My Mommeh likes to think of me and Harley when she is at work. It makes her smile. And guess what? She is getting some custom-made pawprint necklace charms! They are made from our very own pawprint so she can feel our paws when she is stressed out.
Thank u, Daisy. :) I think dat is so nice of ur Mom. D.R. says one of the soda machines at werk is broken. If I was there, I'd drink tea and help her with the compooter. :)
Coool!!! You heard elves? I will be waiting by the Christmas tree too!
Your mom is real nice to take some food to the shelter!
Thank u, Cheyenne-Millie. :) I has good hooman friends. :) I hope D.R. leaves cookies out for Santa. I will try not to eat them. :)
We are sure you will get something nice from Santa!
Happy Holidays!
Nice to see you - such a cute picture!
Hope you guys have a furry good Christmas!
Thank u, Terrorzinhos. :) I hope u and ur family have a very good Christmas and New Year's, too. :)
Thank u, Rudy. :) U are very kind. I am tryin to be really good for Santy Paws. I am not eatin cookies unless Dad says it's okay first. :)
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