Helloo! My name is Keisha. Welcome to mah blog. Thank u for reading. :)
Today is Toosdey. My hooman friend D.R. came home from her job, and said that tomorrow, she will work different hours. She will also have her desk in a different part of the building. D.R. is kinda scaired, but she told me that once she gets through the first day or two in the new place, she will probably feel better. I rubbed on her foots tonite, to make her feel better. She hugged and petted me a lot. :) That was good! :)
I went for a lot of walkies yesterday. Four! That's a lot! :) Mom said she was very surprised. I also went for four walkies today. I is an athleet! :)
It is very cold where I lives. Dad was freezin when he came back from takin me for walks. Too bad he does not have furs like I do. He does have a hat and coat, though. Please, if u are a humin, be very careful with ur critter friends this season, and make sure they are safe in the cold. Keep them inside except for walks. Use a leash when you take them out. A sweater is also good, if you can. Then go back, sit on the couch and watch teevee. Yay! :) Also, check up on your hooman neighbors to make sure they are okay, too. It is always good to show luv. :)
I sleeped on the couch a lot lately. This is part because it's a nice couch with a big flat part, so I can stretch out, and part because Dad put the Crispmas tree back next to the couch again. Yay! That means I'm gonna see Santy Paws when he comes in. I'll hide behind a pillow so he won't see me. Hee hee. :)
I saw a commercial with lots of kittehs on teevee. D.R. says that someday, she would like to adopt a kitteh. That would be fun! :) I would love to play with a kitteh friend. U should always adopt critters, 'cause then u give them a good forever home. :) Also, a lot of luv. :)
Okay, that's it for now. I see u later. Bye byes! :) Thank u.
Paws khrossed fur D.R. to be okay with her new hours and new workkhrate!
Keisha, we have been cold here, too! I am spending the day on my heated cat pad. It would be cool if you adopted a kitty one day! I hope D.R. likes her new spot at work!
Thank u, Khyra. :) I think D.R. will be okay as long as she keeps thinkin of mee. :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) I will let D.R. take a piksher of mee to werk with her. That way, it'll be like I am sniffin the compooter all the time. :)
Hi Keisha! We got so behind - it sounds like D.R. is moving to a new job - we think that means they like her! We know she will do great - it is normal to be nervous at first!
And oh boy 4 walks - that sounds like a lot to us! And out in the cold too - we have to say we are glad we have a litter box when it gets too cold!
And that is great that you have a good place to watch for Santa - we have never seen him but we have heard about him a lot and may try to stay up to see him too.
And oh we think it would be fun for D.R. to have a kitten - kittens are so fun! And oh we think it would be lucky to get to play with you - we would like to do that if we could but we are too far - cause unless you are in our house, well, we could never get there! But we can still think about it and how fun it would be!!
Thank u, Amy and Cats. :) U can visit my house any time u wants. :) I will let u sit on my blankey. :)
Thank you for visiting us and your very kind message on our sad loss of Dorcus.
Our furkids are so special to us all. We have learnt NEVER put off saying or doing what you can with them today, until tomorrow. Cos sometimes tomorrow never comes!
We look forward to reading your bloggie and getting to know you.
Karen & Alan Dorcus's Mum & Dad
Big Nose POkes
The Thugletsx
Hi Keisha,
Thanks so much for bidding for an item at Blueberry's auction - you are one generous hound. Could you please send us your paypay receipt at schnauzerandschnauzerATgooglemailDOTcom so taht we can send your address to the supplier - or if you're paying by cheque please let us know.
Thanks again Keisha - schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.
Four walks is many! Good luck with that kitten thing.
Nubbin wiggles,
Thank u, Karen, Alan and Thuglets. :) I glad to know u, too. :)
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