O hai! My name is Keisha. Thank u for comin to mah blog today. I glad u readin it. :)
Today, we had a scairy thing. Our fridgerator broked!! :( It stopped keepin all our stuff cold, and Mom and Dad had to put all the nom noms and drinkses in cases on the patio. Yipes! Then they called a guy, and he showed up and fixed stuff. Thank u, Mr. Fix-Stuff. :) Now all our things are back in the fridge, and everything is better. D.R. even gived me some bacon, and it was fresh and yummy! Mmmmm. :) I am so glad I have food and a good home. I hope all critters will have those things. :)
It was cold and rainy today. D.R. still went for a walk outside for ex-er-cyze, and she was kinda cold when she came back. Mom has a coff, and she had to take medicine. I had to check up on my hoomins a lot today. That's part of my job. Mom said she felt a little better after the medicine, and D.R. pet me a lot, so I think it worked. Dat makes me feel like I did a good job. :)
My Dad was watchin a funny movie before. It didn't make a lot of sense. It had robots and lots of cars in it. There was a bunch of noise, and splosions, and things caught on fire. I went to sit with Mom after that, and she was watchin "House Hunters." These nice people were lookin for a place with a yard, and we were thinkin why, and it turns out they had two dogs!! Yay! :)
I did a lot of restin on my side this weekend. D.R. and Mom gived me tummy pats. I am very furry now. I think I will curl up on the blankie with the paw prints, or maybe go and jump on the big bed. Sleepies is good. :)
Okay, that's it for now. I hope u have a good week! Luv to everyone. Bye-bye. :)
We are sorry your refrigerator broke! And we hope your mom is ok! I think my mom needs to go to bed... she is sick too.
I'm glad your frigerator got fixed!
Hi Keisha, you're doing a great job looking after the humans. I'm glad that your refrigerator is all fixed. Bye for now.
Our Gramma watches House Hunters too! She watches it ALL THE TIME! We are pretty sure there is a channel where all they play is House Hunters. :)
It's good that you take such good care of your humans, they must appreciate that. I would appreciate the bacon and the tummy rubs!! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
Thank Dog the food box is better -
I know that stresses the humans!
Have a good week!
Thank u, Cheyenne-Millie. :) I hope ur Mom feels very better soon. :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) Everyone is happy now we can have tasty nom noms and cold drinkees again. :)
Thank u, Sam. :) I check up on everyone, one room at a time. Also, I check to see if they have noms. :)
Thank u, Trixie, Lilly and Sammy-Joe. :) My Mom likes that channel a lot. They have people who buy houses, and people who decorate stuff, and pretty gardens. I like it too. :)
Thank u, Rubie. :) My hoomans and I take good care of each other. It is good to have a nice home. :)
Thank u, Khyra. :) My Mom and Dad were scaired, but they were very happy again when the Fix-Stuff guy got here. Now everythin is okay. :)
Hi Keisha! Thanks for dropping by my blog! Nice meeting you!
It's just the worst when fridgerators break down huh! The noms will spoil and the hoomans don't appreciate when we try to fix things. Phfft.
Hi Keisha,
Thanks for coming over to visit me! Gosh - you've been having a busy time at your place, haven't you? Good thing your humans have got you around to look after everything! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
Yay! We sure are glad your refrigerator got fixed!
Thank u, Pepsi. :) I like food a lot. I glad the magic food box is workin again, so we all can share fud. :)
Thank u, Honey. :) I try to keep a good eye on mah friends. They need me to protect the house, and to make sure the couch is safe. :)
Thank u, meowmeowmans. :) I am glad too. Without fresh meelks, my hooman friends can't have ceeryul for breakfast. I glad everything is better! :)
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