O hai! I am Keisha. Thank u for readin mah blog today. It is good to have u here. Plz put up ur foots. :)
Mah hoomin friend D.R. was eatin some noodles for dinner tonite. She gived me some! And they had sauce, plus vegables on dem. Mmmm! They were good. :)
I also had a tummy pat while I was sittin on the couch. D.R. came over and hugged me, as soon as she got back from werk, and I felt really good. :) My furs were ripply. It is vurry relaxin' at the end of the day.
My Dad is gonna go to a train show in Febooary. They are gonna have model trains that go on tracks on the table, and the trains say choo-choo and have blink lites and stuff. Hooray! :) I wish I could go, too. I hope Dad takes lots of pikshers.
D.R. says she can't wait for the warm weather, in a couple monfs. She would like to go to the beach and build a sand kassle! :) Yay! That's gonna be fun. I bet she builds lots of towers and stuff. With crumply parts in them. Hoohee! :)
Do u like to cleen ur toes? I do, sometimes. I wash mah paws when I is sittin on the couch. I like to be all fresh and neat to watch the teevee with Mom and Dad. I let them pick the show. Sometimes Mom puts on Animal Planet for a few minutes. I like to see jeraffs and lions. The jeraffs go trot-trot-trot like super-tall horses, and the lions sit unner the trees and just yawn and stuff. They are like kittehs, only hooj. :)
U know whut? I think I saw a mousie! He runned away before I could get him. If I see him again, maybe I will give him to one of the kittehs next door.
Okay, I gotta get some rest. I see u later. Bye byes! Thanks. :)
Nothing like a most relaxing night with the hoomans, huh? :)
Harley and I both like to keep our paws spic 'n span. This is another way of saying "clean"! I also enjoy chewing on my back toenails, because I can only scratch on my scratchin' post with my front paws.
Thank u, Pepsi. :) I like to sit next to Mom and Dad. Sometimes they have a snack, and I get to have some! :) It is fun to watch a moovie at the end of the day. :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) I like it when my furs are cleen and my toenails are nice and curlee. This makes a click-click sound when I walk on the wood part of the floor. :) Tee hee!
Hi Keisha, clean paws are happy paws. That's what my dad says anyhow. They keep wiping my paws if they get wet from walking in the rain. Most of the time I have to wear my boots to keep my feet clean. Hope you have a good Friday too.
Thank u, Sam. :) I am happy when I's done cleanin mah paws. It makes me feel re-fresht and happy. :) U have a nice weekend too! :)
It sounds like you're having a most excellent time.
Nubbin wiggles,
Thank u, Oskar. :) Do u like noodles? I sure do. They are really good when they have sauce! :)
you seem to enjoy your life a lot Keisha. It is very hot here. Maybe we could swap a bit of the cold with the hot and make both of our places nice and warm.
mm, yummy noodles! Lucky you. Yeah, I like to lick my toes and paws. You never know what tasty thing you might have trod in.
Thank u, Diamond. :) I will send u some puffy clouds. That way, u can cool down. :)
Thank u, Ludo van Doggy. :) I like to sniff everything when I go on a walk. Then, when I come home, I sit on the couch and sniff mah paws. This helps me remember all the stuff that was outside! :)
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