O hai! This is Keisha. I am a dog. Welcome to my blog thingy. :) Yay! :)
U know, my friend D.R. has seen a lot of little froggies around here lately. Some of them even like to hop onto the back bumper of a car and ride there. The froggies are tiny, less than the size of my paw. D.R. would bring one in, but she said it is probably easier for the froggies to find nice flies to eat outside. :)
There are more pretty birdees around here than ever! D.R. saw a little heron with orange feathers on its head. There are also more cranes in different places. More ducks are coming to live at the houses next to us. One of the ducks walked up to the screen by the pool, when D.R. was swimming this morning. I was sleepin then. I wish I could have seen that. :)
I like to play a game. It is called "Jump and Land on Dad." When Dad had his sur-jiree, I could not do it for a while. Now that he is feelin better, I am playing it again. U start by standing in front of the bed. Then u run and jump. Squish! :) It is very funny. I waked up Dad when he was sleeping today. Oops, I was a little early. Next time I will wait until he is awake. :)
I heard on the news that there is a big hurricane heading for the northern United States. Please be careful, everybody! Make sure your critters are safe and help your neighbors if they need it, especially elderly ones. I hope everyone is okay. :)
That is all for now! I gonna read a book with Dad. I see u later. :)
Me had lots of dos wittle froggies too. Dey is wittle and green and luvs to stick on da windows at night. {shiver}
Hi Keisha, I don't think that I've actually met a frog. My dad showed me what they look like on the computer. Hmmm they don't look like cats, humans, skunks or other dogs. I think that you shouldn't eat one (Yuck). I'm glad that your dad is getting better.
Have fun playing froggie!! We used to have some tiny frogs show up around here but haven't had any lately! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
Thank u, Amber. :) I can hop like a frog sometimes. I do that when I jump on the couch. :)
Thank u, Sam. :) Froggies are small, but I think they would not make good snacks for me. Thank u for the advice. :)
Thank u, Debbie and Holly. :) I have never seen any green dogs. Only frogs. I think it is a nice color. :)
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