O hai! This is Keisha the dog. I glad u readin this blog. Thank u. :)
I went to the dog park! It was awesome. There was another dog there, a big fella, but he left pretty quickly. I got to run around and sniff everything inside the fence. I had so much fun! :)
I've been going to sleep early the past couple days. I tried to watch a lawyer show last nite with Mom, but I got a little sleepy. I don't get up early as much, either. Maybe it is 'cause Dad doesn't get up as early, since he went to the doctor before. I miss the smell of breakfast. :)
D.R. worked obertime yesterday. That means she had to stay and do even more stuff. Then she had to go to the storage place and move stuff. When she came home, she was very tired. She has to do it again today. D.R. says she likes the place where she works. They have candy in a big dish for everyone. That helps a lot. :)
There are three bebeh herons around here. They are cyoot! :) D.R. says she will try and take a picture of them soon. They are very small and they all walk together. Herons have funny feet. Their feathers are very pretty.
Okay, that is it for now. I see u later. Thanks! :) {{{hug}}}
Thank you so much for your good thoughts about my big foot. I am feeling better, but I love reading all the comments and I know it helps momma's mentals considerably.
Hi there..it's me, your kitty furriend again. xoxoxo
We's never gone to a dog park before. Butt, me guesses wit 9 of us in da pack, we can makes our own dog park (BWHahahahahah)
We laughed about getting sleepy watching the lawyer show! They usually put us to sleep too!! We hope you get pictures of those herons!! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly
Thank u, Mango. :) I would rest a lot and not try to push the paw. Vanilla cookies also help a lot! :)
Thank u, Admiral Hestorb. :) Meow meow! :)
Thank u, Amber. :) It must be fun to play fetch with u and eight friends! :)
Thank u, Debbie and Holly. :) I will let my friend D.R. take the picture. I hope she does not have to go up in a tree to get it. :)
I'm glad D.R. likes her work place! Sometimes my Mommeh gets home from work and she wants to stay up and watch TV shows but she falls asleep right in her chair!
hello sweet friend,
I'm so happy that you went to the park Keisha!
Have a nice day.
Woof, woof,
That dog park sure sounds fun, Keisha! Say hi to those baby herons for us, okay?
Thank u, Daisy. :) Sometimes my Mom watches cooking shows, too. Those are really good because I can pretend I am having the food! :)
Thank u, Chicco. :) I had a good time. I wish you could be there too! :)
Thank u, Meowmeowmans. :) The park is really good because you can sniff everything. You can learn a lot when you smell things. :)
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