O hai! My name is Keisha. Thank u for readin mah blog. I is glad to see u. :)
I has some good news! Today we found out that my hooman friend D.R. gotted a new job!! Yay!! :) :) :) She starts on Monday. It is with an employmit agencee, which means it may not last fo-ever, but it should go for at least a few monfs. D.R. is very happy. She is gonna be workin for the mortgage department in a bank. I dunno whut that means, but D.R. says it's how people buy houses. Wow! I watch "House Hunters" a lot. I hope a lot of people with houses adopt dogs or kittehs too. Dat would be good. :) D.R. is kinda nervous, but she is very happy, too. She said she is gonna relax and have fun this weekend. Then next week, it is time to work and learn noo stuff. I am lookin forward to that, too, 'cause when she comes home, she can scratch behind my ears. :)
I was watchin teevee with Mom, and I falled asleeps durin the show. So I don't rememmer whut happened. Oops. :) Dad and I played Catch before. It was with Mr. Alien, who is a green and blue guy with lots of googly eyes and arms. Mr. Alien is a little stuffed guy, and looks like he is from Mars. He can't fly or anything. He is pretty good at rolling under the table.
Mom thinks I was sick before because of somethin I ate. She said it may have been something from the lawn, when I was on a walk. I will try not to eat things that are not food! :) Oopsie. Don't worry, I was not sick today, and I feel lots better.
Okay, I am gonna rest now. I will see u later. Have a fun weekend! Bye-bye. {{{luv}}}
Khongrats fur D.R.!
Now if only my mom khould get one too...
Have a great weekend!
Thank u. :) I will wish a lot of good stuffs for ur Mom. {{{Khyra's Mom}}} :)
Yay fur D.R.!!! Happy Saturday Keisha!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Thank u, Maggie Mae. :) I is very glad for her. :) I hope u has a fun Caturday, too!
Glad you are feeling better. Sickies stink! I always fall asleep watching TV too!
Thank u, Hilary. :) I spent lots of Caturday lying around and restin. It was good. :) I hope yours was good too.
Hooray for D.R.! That is very exciting and happy news.
Thank u, Daisy. :) I am very happy too. I think D.R. will be very good at this job. Then she can come home and pet me on the tummy. Dat will be good. :)
I hope D.R. loves her new job!
Nubbin wiggles,
Glad to hear you are feeling better - and big congrats on that job!
Thank u, Oskar. :) I look forward to my hooman friend's new job. She can come home from work every day, and then we can watch teevee on the couch. Yay! :)
Thank u, Life With Dogs. :) D.R. was very happy when she came home today. Even though she just had to talk to a manager person, she was really glad, and she gived me crackers. Yay! :)
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