O hai there! I am Keisha. It's nice to see u. Thank u for readin mah blog. :)
Lots of stuff happened today! D.R. has an innervoo, which she is going to later today. I rubbed up against her foots before, so she has extra good luck. :) She also had one yesterday. Wow! :)
Today, my Mom and Dad went to see an art show. They left really early in the mornin, so I kinda got scaired, and I throo up on the floor, two times. Oops. :( D.R. said she was sorry, and she cleaned up, and when she was all done washin up and stuff, she pet and hugged me, to show everything was all right. :) I felt a tiny bit better. :)
The sky is really blue and pretty. I am lookin forward to walkies with Dad when he gets back. Right now, I am gonna go sit and think for a while, and then rest. I hope u has a good day! Luv. Bye-bye. :)
Sorry you had to bomit, Keisha. I hope you are feeling better now. I think it is good that D.R. has lots of interviews; the more you do, the better you get at them, and the bigger chance of getting a great new job!
Sorry you got scared and threw up, Keisha. But we are glad that everything turned out okay. Good luck to D.R. at her interview!
Thank u, Daisy. :) My tummy is feelin better now. D.R. was happy when she came home, and she pet me a lot. Yay! :) If she gets a job, she can come home from work each day, and tell me what she did, and then we can play Find the Tennis Ball. Oh wow! :)
Thank u, meowmeowmans. :) I am startin to feel better. Mom and Dad came home, and I am just takin it easy. Later on, I will rest. I am glad I have good hooman friends, and good critter friends too! :)
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