This piksher is me. I was runnin so fast, the camera went Brrrrrr! :)
Hello! My name is Keisha. Thank u for reading mah blog. I hope u is glad to be here. :)
I had a fun day Thursdee. It rained a lot, which was Bad, but I got to stay inside most of the time, with Mom and Dad, and that part was Good. I cuddled up with Mom a lot, especially at the end of the day, when we watched a teevee show together. We sat next to each other on the couch. I leaned on one side of the pillow, Mom was on the other. It made me feel very comfy and warm. :)
D.R. gived me crackers! :) Yay! They were crunchy Triscuit crackers. Mmmm. They look like skwares, and they are made out of wheet. D.R. put a little butter substitute on them. Yummy! :) She breaked up the Triscuits in little parts. She had some, and I got the others. They were very good. D.R. also had some noodles for dinner, but I was so sleepy, I was takin a nap at the time, and I didn't go see. Maybe next time.
We had a lot of thunnerstorbs. The wind was really loud, and the rain went Hiss. I got scaired of the loud noises Wensdee nite, but then I snuggled up to Mom and Dad, and I felt better. Thursdee nite, I barked a little when I needed to go out. Dad took me for a quick walkies to the lawn. Thank u, Dad. :)
I was glad to be back inside, where it is warm and dry. I was gonna go back to the livin room, but then I thought, hey, I'm ti-yerd, I think I'll go bed. So I jumped up next to Dad.
D.R. had to do a lot of stuff today. She waked up in the mornin, and had an innervoo over the phone! Wow, how do they do that? Anyway, she talked to a lady from a companee, and told her about where she used to work, and stuff like that. It lasted for a few minutes. That was it. :) D.R. was kind of surprised, but she was happy, too. She didn't even have to go out of the house!
D.R. also got some new medicine today. She was glad, because she almost had none left. She went to the bank, too, and put money away. Then she went home, and pet me on the tummy. That was the best thing. :)
Okay! I am gonna get some sleep now. I hope u is doin okay, too. Hugs! {{{hugs}}}
My goodness, that is a silly picture. Glad Mom found time to scratch you on your belleh. We love to have that done too. Take care and have a good day and a good week end too.
Thank u, Marg. :) I rested on the couch a lot this mornin. It was comfy. It was cold outside, so we hurried up on my walk. I think it will be a good weekend, though. Hope yours is, too! :)
It was wet here on Thursday so went with Mom to do stuff -
It khleared enough today that we got to walk!
Triskhuits are furry tasty - we have some too!
Hope your weather is better fur woo!
Thank u, Khyra. :) I went to see Dad tonite when he was brushin his teefs. He din't make me brush my teefs, thank goodniss. :) Hee hee.
Wow you do move fast!!!
Nubbin wiggles,
Thank u, Oskar. :) I was movin around, so it was hard for D.R.'s camera to spot me. I like lookin like a spaceship. :)
You sure can run fast, Keisha! It has been very cold for the past couple days in Florida, right? I hope you are staying warm!
Thank u, Daisy. :) Yes, I is kinda cold when I go outside, but we has a nice fluffy red and black jacket for me, which I think I will start to wear soon. Got to stay toasty warm for Christmas and Noo Ears! :)
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