O hai! My name is Keisha. Welcome to mah blog today. Thank u! :)
I has a news. The compooter site Blogger.com had some maintenance thingies this week, and that made some of the comments get erased. I sorry! :( It was not On Purpose. The comments went away, and some of them are there now, but some of them are gone. I did not do it, it was just the compooter thing. I did read all of them from before and after. So, I did not forget all mah friends. Thank u for leavin woof comments. I think all of them will be okay now. I sorry about the confoozins.
It is gonna rain soon. Yipes! I hate thunnerstorbs. The noise is bad. I am sittin next to my Mom while she's on the phone, so I don't get scared.
D.R. went to the food store and got some neat food. There is cereal, crackers, and lots of other stuff. I hope I get to share some later! :)
The piksher above shows D.R. pettin a kitteh that walks on our street sometimes. It crossed the street and walked up to her. She petted it! :) Then it leaved. It is a cyoot kitteh. Mom says it lives across the block. It is nice to have neighbors to say Hi to. :)
The duck mom is still on her nest. It is very fluffy and has lots of feathers and bits from the lawn. It looks like a big pillow! That must make it nice and comfy. I wonder how Mrs. Duck is going to think up names for all her bebehs, when they hatch?
My Dad fixed the pool with some cleaner stuff. It is nice and blue. It is still not ready to go in for a couple days, though. D.R. says it will be really fun when it is open.
Dad is gonna be in the horsepital for three days. That's a lot! :( I am kinda Sad, but I will be much moar happy when he gets out. D.R. is gonna give him some flowers. Don't tell Dad I said that.
Okay, I is gonna go now. Thank u! I see u later. Bye byes. :)
Oh no! What's the matter with your dad? I hope it's nothing serious, poor guy!
I love that D.R. pets the neighborhood kitty but I think someone should adopt him (hint-hint)!
I know, blogger really upset me on Thursday and Friday b/c I couldn't blog at all! Glad it's fixed!
Thank u, Teacher's Pets. :) My Dad is gonna have surgery on his hip. Then he will come home. I will bring him crackers and cookies for us to share. :)
Stoopid compooter! Well, everyting is better now.
Thank u, Amber. :) I am so glad Blogger is all better now. I can write to all my friends!! :)
Yeah, that Blogger.com caused a lot of trouble, didn't it, Keisha?
We hope the thunderstorms are not too bad, and that you have a nice weekend with your mom, dad and D.R. Oh, and the ducky, too.
We are purring and praying that your dad's hip surgery goes well.
Thank u, meowmeowmans. :) I will be really glad when my Dad's trip to the horsepital is all through. Then I can watch teevee on the couch with him again! :)
Yes, Blogger was very BAD to eat up so many comments. We know it was not your fault, Keisha. I hope your dad is all better soon!
Hi Keisha, I'm glad that everything is back on-line and that we can write you again. We hope that everything will be okay with your dad.
Thank u, Daisy. :) I am gonna keep extra good watch on my Dad, so he gets better soon. I am gonna make sure he takes lots of naps, and eats plenty of cookies. And maybe I can share them, too. :)
Thank u, Sam. :) My Dad is going to a good horsepital, and the doctor told him about all the plans, so he is not so skeered anymore. I am gonna show him lots of Luv, so he feels better. :)
Hi Keisha! Thanks for coming and visiting 13 kitties, pay no attention to floofy tails! Do you think your Dad would like some catnip flowers after he sees Sir Jerry?
Hi Keisha! Thanks for visiting us!
We could send your Dad a catnip bookay! Do you think he'd like it?
Thank u, Katnip Lounge. :) I think my Dad would like that! It is very nice of u. :)
Thank u, Katnip Lounge. :) That is very nice of u. I think it would be neat. :)
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