O hai! My name is Keisha and thank u for readin mah blog. U are welcome here. :)
My hooman friend D.R. has a birfdee today!! She is 38 years young. Wheee! :) I was very happy this morning when Mom and Dad said Happy birthday to her and gived her hugs. Then after church, they all went out to lunch, to a special steak place. They brought back some leftovers, so maybe I will have some later. :) They also had cake, and I didn't get to have the chocolate part, but I did get to have some of the vanilla part! Yay!! :) D.R. got a special present: a GPS. This is a little compooter thing that u put in ur car, and it tells you where to drive. It knows maps, addresses and other stuff. D.R. put it into her car, and she is gonna use it to find stuff whenever she goes on a new trip. I is very happy today, too. :)
D.R. and her Mom went to a park, too. They saw lots of people in boats, and people swimmin, and seagulls flyin everywhere. I didn't go. I stayed home and watched teevee with Dad. It was good to get some pettin and scritchies. :)
After that, Mom and D.R. went to the store, a big one where u can buy stuff at discount if u buy huge tanks of stuff. They got some blank CDs, some towels and a few other things for the house. I didn't get to go to that, either. I would have tried to eat all the food in the grocery place. :)
Our swimming pool is a new color. It is green. It is not supposed to be that. Dad wants to make it be blue again, so everyone can go in. He is putting special chemical stuff into the water, and when it is clean, my friends will go splash splash splash again. :)
Okay, that is it for now. I am gonna lie down for a while and watch some teevee. Bye! :)
We wish D.R. a Happy Birthday! The park sounds fun! It must be fun to watch the people in the water!
Happy Birthday to your human D.R.!!! Hope she had a fabulous day! I'm sure you gave her lots of birthday kisses!
PS - hope that green pool is blue soon!
Hi Keisha, I hope that you got some special treats on D.R.'s birthday, resting at home is a good thing too.
Thank u, Cheyenne-Millie. :) The people swimmin were funny. I wish I had a swimsuit, too. :)
Thank u, Amber. :) Everyone had a good time yesterday. :)
Thank u, Five Sibes Mom. :) I snuggled D.R. a lot, and she pet me. :)
Happy Bday D.R.!!!
Keisha, we wish you a greet week!
Thank u, Sam. :) I got lots of pettings from mah friends, some snackies, and good tummy pats. It was fun!! :)
Thank u, Terrorzinhos. :) I had a very fun time, and so did D.R. and her parents. :) I got to have a little ice cream cake. It was delicious!! :)
I hope D.R. had a very, very happy birthday!
It sounds like evFURRYone enjoyed D.R.'s Gotcha Day!!!
Thanks fur sharing it with us!
Thank u, Daisy. :) D.R. was very happy on her birfdee. She had a pie made out of peanut butter. I got to taste a little of it. Yummy!! :)
Thank u, Khyra. :) I like birfdees. My birfdee is in June!! :)
Happy Belated Birthday to D.R.!
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) D.R. is happy, because we still have cake! :)
Hi Keisha! We hope your friend D.R. had a great birthday! She's about the same age as our mom, so we'll warn you now that in 2 years, she'll start falling apart - mostly in her head. hahaha! Have a great day!
Thank u, OK Cats. :) D.R. says that when she turns the big For Tee, she will buy a motorcycle and go vroom vroom everywhere, so she doesn't feel bad. I hope she lets me ride in the side car! :)
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