O hai there! This is Keisha. Welcome to mah blog. :)
Today is Thursdee. D.R. has a day off from work. She is goin to her doctor's office later today. Then she is gonna do some other stuff, like maybe go to the park. I like the park. I don't think D.R. is going to sniff the trees like I do, though.
This morning, I sat in front of D.R. after she read the nooz-paper, and she petted me a lot. She even hugged me and gived me a little kiss on the nose. :)
The duckies outside have at least two eggs in their nest. You can't see everything 'cause there are so many fluffy feathers in the big pile there. D.R. and Mom and Dad are very happy, though. :)
Our pool is almost clean. My hooman friends will be really glad when it is ready to be used. They like to go splash, splash, splash. They don't have a diving board, but they do have lots of inflatable rafts and rings and stuff. I like to watch them swim. :)
I went for a walk this morning. It was good. I got to smell the lawns and things. Then I came back and I sat on the floor. My paws are very furry, so I cleaned them a little.
Did u know, I caught my tail once when I was chasin it? That was a big surprise. I didn't know what to do after that. I just dropped it after a while.
Okay, now I am gonna go. I see u later. Thanks! :)
What a wonderful Thursday you all had!
Hi Keisha! Wow that is nice that D.R. has the whole day off. It stinks she has to go to the doctor though - we hope she is ok! But it is nice she has the rest of the day to enjoy - maybe she will bring you a leaf or flower from the park to smell!
That is also so cool that you have duckies - we have a stream behind our house and the duckies have their babies there but we never see their nests - the babies just show up one day! It is neat you will get to see the nest!
And boy a pool - we think you are brave to watch them swim - no way we would do that - we don't like the water at all!
It sounds like fun to go for a walk - but we bet it is tiring too.
Our sister Lola likes to chase her tail - we knew doggies like you did that but she is a kitty. We think it is neat you caught it. Lola does but we think that she is kind of cheating when she does it by like curling around and sitting at the end. IT sounds like you did it the fair and square way!
You means you don't gets to use da pool too?
We sure hope you and D.R. had fun today, Keisha. Did you wind up going to the park? :)
You have such great adventures!
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) I liked it because I got to eat some leftovers from D.R.'s lunch, too! :)
Thank u, Amy. :) D.R. had a good trip to the doctor. She said it only took a few minutes. :) Everything is okay!
Thank u, Amber. :) My hoomans would let me use the pool, but I don't know how to swim. I like to watch them swim, though! :)
Thank u, meowmeowmans. :) I did not get to go to the park. D.R. was kinda tired in the middle of the day. I was, too. So we both had naps. I'm sure we will go another time. :)
Thank u, d'Artagnan. :) I love my hooman friends. We have a lot of fun together. :)
Hi Keisha, you have a very interesting neighborhood with lots of neat things going on.
Thank u, Sam. :) I wish I could visit u! I'm glad we have the Internets. :)
Miss Keisha, dogs can enter our contest, too! If you want to enter, just leave us a message on our contest post with a link to a post where you're showing your belly! If your post has more than 1 belly photo, tell us which one you want us to use. If you don't want to, though, that is ok! It may be kind of late notice, since our contest ends tonight at midnight. But no matter what, we hope you have a fabulous weekend!
Thank u, OK Cats. :) That is very awesome!! :)
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