(O hai. This is me, takin a rest next to the table.) :)
Hi there! I am Keisha, a dog. I live in Flory-dah with my hooman friends. I glad u readin mah blog. Thanks. :)
Today is sunny! I got to go for walkies with my Dad. We just went to the lawn, and he got the mail out of the mailbox. When we got back, I went to sit on the floor. That's a good place to relax and think about stuff. :)
There were a lot of crows around this morning! They went flying from the trees to the light poles and everywhere else. Crows say Caw, caw, caw. I don't see the bebeh crows. I guess they will be hatched in the spring. :)
There were lots of people across the street yesterday. They made a lot of noise. I didn't bark this time, but I ran back and forth to make sure they didn't do anything. After a while, they left. We was all glad.
D.R. was kinda wurried, because there is supposed to be baskey-ball games on the teevee, but there is a Problem with the teams and stuff, so they have no games. She wanted to watch them, too. Now she is gonna watch lots of movies instead. D.R. says she feels Sad for all the people who sell popcorn at the stadiums and can't do that now. I will sit with her and watch teh movies, so she feels moar good. :)
D.R. says lots of people who are runnin for Presy-dent have been on the teevee lately. They talk like this: blah blah blah blah. D.R. tries to watch something else whenever that is on. My Mom and Dad also like to watch the shows where people go on stage and sing songs, like this: La la laaaaala. It's moar fun that way.
The other day, D.R. went to the dentist, and he put fillings in her teefs. He also said she needs two crowns, which are special fake teeth that go over half your toof when it is broken. D.R. was not so Happy, but she says when it is over, she will feel better.
I went to sleep in Mom's room the other day, and I was so tired, I stretched over the side of the blankie on the floor. Zzzzzzzzzz. I like that place. It makes me feel safe to be next to the big bed.
Mom gave me some leftover breakfast today! :) Yay! She had pancakes with syrup. Mmm, mmm, mmm. She put it in my food dish, too.
That's it for now. I will see u later. Thank u! {{{{love}}}
Sounds like a good day. Specially the pancakes part.
Hi Keisha, glad to learn that everything is fine with you and your family. The politicians up here talk alot of blah, blah, blah too - it must be something about the people in those jobs.
Thank u, Bert. :) Teh pancakes were yummy! I hope u get to have some too.
Thank u, Sam. :) I think other teevee shows are moar fun to watch. D.R. says I can pick a show next time! :)
Keisha I know you have to be tired of me always saying this but you are adorable and your blog is a pleasure to visit. xxxooo
Mieow Keisha ^..^ we fank you fur stopping by and visiting wif us, it waz furry Sweet of Admiral to send you owr way :)
We haz lotz of crowz in da fall & winter too.... whatsup wif dat ????
dey furry noisey ^..^
Fankz fur "fOLLOWING" we return da same ^..^
nice to meet you Keisha :)))))) Purrz~
Thank u, Admiral Hestorb. :) I not tired of it, u very nice to say it. I glad u mah friend! {{{Admiral}}}
Thank u, Avalon's Garden & the Garden Cottage. :) I glad u here! Welcome and rest ur paws. :)
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