Hello! My name is Keisha. I am a dog. Thank u for readin mah blog. :)
Mah friend D.R. is unemployed. Dat means she does not have a job. She is lookin for one, and she sent an application to the state unemployment thing, so that she can get a money. They didn't send her any, and she had a Scaird. So D.R. called the help number, and they sent some e-mayos. They told her she is gonna be in the system by Thursday, and then they can send her a money. Whew. :)
I went for walkies with Dad extra early this morning. The sun was up, and there were lots of birdees and butterflies. I sniffed some of them. It was good! :) Then we went home, and I sat on the couch. D.R. pet my head and ruffled my tummy. Yay! :)
There was a kitteh that walked across the street! We have seen him before. He has lotsa pretty colors. I would like for him to come stay with us, but Mom says he lives with a family across the street. Maybe he can visit sometimes, like kitteh vacations?
D.R. practiced roller-skating the other day. She said it was good, even though her feet hurted a little bit. That looks like fun. I think I will borrow her skates next time.
I poked my nose into the fridge, when it was open before. Did u know, there is a lot of stuff in there? I got to see the drawer where they keep the roast beef and turkey. Mmmmm, I would love to eat so much. Sometimes I get a little bit when Mom or Dad has a sandwich. It's really good if it has dressing or bacon on it.
Okay, I am gonna lie down now. I hopes u has a good week. Love u!! :)
Hi Keisha, glad that everything is going well for you. Remember don't eat the butterflies or lizards - yuck, the roast beef or bacon would be "okay" though.
Oh Keisha, I think you would look so cute roller-skating all around!
Thank u, Sam. :) I did not eat a butterfly. I liked watching it fly, though. :) Bacon is tasty. I think I will ask for some next time Mom has it. :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) I will ask D.R. if she can make special tiny skates for my paws! :)
Keisha, you would be even more adorable skating but maybe you'd better just go walkies with daddy and stay on your own sweet feeties.
Hi Keisha, we sent a special prayer to the universe to help your friend D.R. find a job that will make her happy and provide enough to live on.
Your walk sounds like a lovely stroll though nature. Today Michael found a dead birdie in our yard...it made us all sad.
Did woo paw BAKHON!?!
PeeEssWoo: Paws khrossed fur D.R. to get the green paper$ AND find a job - I know how skhary that is!
Thank u, Admiral Hestorb. :) I think u are right. I will just go walkies instead. :)
Thank u, Siku Marie. :) I sorry about ur bird friend. He will be happy in Bird Heaven, though. {{{hug}}}
Thank u, Khyra. :) When D.R. gets a job, I hope she buys a sandwich, and she can put bacon on it! And maybe share a little with me. :)
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