O hai! It are Toosdey. I glad to see u. Welcome to mah blog. Thanks. :)
I has some Sad Nooz today. D.R. has losted her job. :( She got a phone call yesterday, and they told her not to go to work anymore. She was extra Sad because she had a bag of popcorn that was still in the desk.
Halloween was fun yesterday. I went to the door when Mom and Dad gave stuff to the trick-or-treater kids. I didn't eat any of the kids.
I did nom D.R.'s finger by mistake, though. When D.R. was havin breakfast Monday morning, I sat next to the table. D.R. finished her cereal and went to pet me. I got a little confoozed and gived her finger the Bitey. Oops! :( D.R. said "Ouch!" and I was really sorry. Then she forgave me, and pet me on the head. Everything was okay then. :)
I am very fuzzy! I have lots of furs. :) D.R. says I am fluffy like a woolly sheep. This is good, because the weather is getting cold where we live. Also, Mom said I don't have to go to the groomer's for a while. Dat makes me happy. I don't like the noise the clippers make. Also, my b-u-t-t feels cold when I get shaved. I glad I can stay home and sit on the couch.
Okay, I gonna sit down for a while. I see u later. Thanks. :)
Sorry to hear about DR's job! Hope someone will mail the bag of popcorn, and hope something new turns up real soon.
Happy Tuesday to you too, Keisha!
Hi Keisha, we're sorry that D.R. lost her job. I think it's not good that companies hire people and then let them go. We're glad that you didn't eat any of the kids. D.R.'s finger is probably all better now.
Thank u, Finn. :) D.R. is gonna look on the compooter for new job ads. I let her pet me extra this morning, for good luck. :)
Thank u, Stewey. :) It is a good day 'cause I got some food and I get to spend time playin with mah friends. :)
Thank u, Sam. :) I do not think little kids taste good. Especially not if they are wearing hats. :)
Happy Tuesday Keisha. I have accidentally (really) laid a biety on momma and I always open my mouth as quickly as I can, in apology.
Thank u, Admiral Hestorb. :) Hooman fingers taste kinda funny. I don't think I will eat them anymore. :)
Happy Tuesday to you too!
You look so comfy on the couch!
Thank u, Terrorzinhos. :) It is fun to sit there with my Dad. :)
Oh, rats! I'm sorry D.R. losted her job. But maybe she can find an even funner job!
Thank u, Daisy. :) D.R. was Sad on the first day or two, but now she said she feels a little better. She knows how to use the compooter to learn stuff, so I bet she will be on lots of innervoos soon. :)
Hello dear friend how are you??
come to my blog to celebrate my birthday!
Woof, woof,
Thank u, Chicco. :)
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