O hai! Today is Toes-day, a good day to clean your paws. :) Thank u for coming to read my blog. :)
My friend D.R. is kinda nervous today. She went to the dentist and got some more fillings, and then she has to go to an innervoo tonite! Wow. I hope she is okay. I will rub on her feets to make her feel better. :)
I saw something this morning. There was a duck outside. I barked, and I didn't stop until it walked away. I have to protect my family. :)
D.R. got some medicine put in her face when she had the toof thing. It was called annasteeza. Her face was all weird after that. It felt like it was ice cold. She couldn't eat anything for a while. The dentist said to wait two hours before she could have a sandwich. That's really hard to do. If that were me, I would really want a sandwich.
I keep visiting D.R.'s room every day, not just because I like to see her, but because I like to sniff and lick things in her room. There's a bag next to the dresser. It has some books and papers in it. I love to sniff it and put my snoot in it. Then D.R. pets me. It's a good feeling.
There is a neat site called Fursbook. I am on there. All critters are welcome there! U should join. It is free. Thank you. :)
Okay, I am going to lie on the floor while Mom gets ready for lunch. I see u later. Thanks! :)
A duck! Glad you made sure the home was safe. The other day I had 3 pheasants in my yard. MOM would not let me out to chase them so I stood inside and barked until the left.
Thank u, Goose. :) I am glad u kept ur family safe. Hoomans need help sometimes. :)
Good you are protecting your house from those intruders - ducks. They were up to no good I'm sure.
Thank u, Mariodacat. :) Ducks can stay outside if they want, but they are Not Allowed in my house. :)
Oooh, I hope D.R.s face got un-numb in time for the interview! That sounds skerry!
Mee had to get me teethies cleaned a while back and mee had to have dat anessteesha stuff too....but dat stuff put mee right to sleep!
Hope DR is doin' better tonight.
Thank you, Daisy. :) D.R. did feel better by the time of the innervoo. She was able to talk and breathe and stuff. :) Now she is all better.
Thank u, Amber. :) I go for my checkup a few times year. They look at my teefs, and usually they're good. :)
We sure hope that numby-medicine stuff wore off before D.R.'s interview! And we hope she got to eat a sandwich, too (and that she shared some with you, Keisha)! :)
Hello I am a friend of Brian the Kika
Since you liked both the interview that you could go vote for him!
To do this, will my blog: kikaisuasideias.blogspot.com
and after side is there the blog where are the interview is just download and will soon have to blog
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is one of the latest in the third post.
I would like to be your friend want?
Turrinhas of Kika
Thank u, Meowmeowmans. :) I did get to sniff D.R. when she came home. She was feeling better, and she smelled like chicken sandwich! :)
Thank u, Graca and Kika. :) I will go there and see the blog! Thank you very much. :)
Oh I hope D.R's face feels better! My momma might have to have her wisdom teeth removed soon
Dachshund Nola
Thank u, Nola. :) My hooman friend's face is okay now. She even had candy. :) I hope your Mom has an okay time at the dentist too. :)
Olá amiguinha querida...
Vim dar oi e agradecer seu voto para minha entrevista.
Muito obrigada de coração.
Aus com amor da amiguinha do Brasil...
Thank u, Kippy Marie. :) I am glad that u got the votes. U are welcome! :)
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