O hai. My name is Keisha. Thank u for comin to mah blog.
I has a nooz. It not so good, sorry. My uncle, who went to the hospital the other day, had lots of tests and lost blood and stuff. The doctor found out that he has a Can-Sur. :( My Mom is still visiting him in the hospital. She is gonna come home tomorrow, but she will go back soon after that.
(Uncle Thomas is not in the picture up there. That picture has other folks in it.)
They is giving my Uncle Thomas a noo visit to Sir Jerry. They are trying to see where the bad Can-Sur is so they can take it all out of him. I hope they do that.
D.R. has a worried, but Mom called and said Uncle is getting some rest now, and the sur-jury is later on. My Dad took me for a walk outside. I eated some of my food. I didn't feel so good, because Mom was gone, but D.R. sat next to me and pet me a lot. That was better.
Okay, I gonna go now. I hope Uncle Thomas is all better soon. We is gonna send him extra moar hugs and wishes. I see u later! :) Thanks.
We ar so sorry to hear about your Uncle's cancer, Keisha. We are purring and praying that it can be removed, and that he will be better soon.
Thank u, Meowmeowmans. :) I glad for ur helps. :) Kthx.
oh dear, so very sorry your uncle has cansur. We'll send him some healing purrs. purr purr purr purr purr purr
Thank u, Mariodacat. :) He has good doctors, I think he'll get better soon. :)
Oh noes, I am so sorry about the sad news. I hope after he has his operation, he will be all better.
Thank u, Daisy. :) My Mom is still visiting him, and D.R. said to tell Uncle Thomas that we loves him. I bet he gets better really quick. :)
Prayers still being lifted for your uncle.
Thank u, Goose. :) I happy u helping us. It makes me feel better. :)
Dis is not good news. Me and me family are so sorry to hear bout dis. We is all sendin' lots of prayers and good vibes to Uncle.
Thank u, Amber. :) It helps to have good wishes from our friends. That makes us feel better. :)
Hey Keish, I'm sorry to hear that news.
I'll be praying for your Dad's betterment.
Huggies and Cheese,
Thank u, Haopee. :) I am hoping Uncle Thomas is all better soon. I like when he visits us. :)
Hi Keisha, I think that that's enough "sads" for your house. The "sads" can just go down the street and into someone else's house. We wish everyone down your way lots of good news.
Thank u, Sam. :) We is a little more happy today, because my Uncle got to go home from the horsepital! :) Yay! :) :)
So sorry to hear about your Uncle :(
Sending purrs for him !
Me aqnd mom hope that he is going to be better after the operation.
Thank u, Kjelle Bus. :). I am sending him lots of hope too.
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