O hai! My name is Keisha. In this piksher, you can see some people in mah family at a dinner we had for Thanksgiving. It was a lot of fun to see everybody. :) Also, we nommed lots of turkey. :)
I has a Sad, because my Mom's brother, D.R.'s Uncle Thomas, had to go to the horseytail to have an operization. Awww, shucks. :( He felt Sick last nite, and he went to the horseytail. He called Mom, and she went to visit him. She is gonna stay at his house in the town of Venice, Flori-dah until he gets all better. That may be a few days, although we hope the doctor place will send him home soon. I would bring him cookies, but Mom didn't take me on her visit. I just send him a hug. {{{Uncle Thomas}}}
In other stuff, D.R. is still looking for work. She called some people this morning. No one had a job offer, but it is good to try. I think D.R. should take a nap on the floor, like me. That works really well if you need to relax. U will not has stress then. :)
Dad had chicken for lunch! :) He went to a chicken place and brought home a box of food. I got to sit on the floor next to the table, while Dad was eating there. He even gave me a couple little pieces. Mmmm mmm, yummy! :)
The tree guy came to our house last week, and he cut out some little stumps that were in our lawn. Now our lawn is nice and clean, with just one big tree, and some bushes and flowers by the front of the house. It is a good place to sniff when you go on walks. Also, you can still see the birdees that come to visit our tree. I like to watch them. They play tag a lot.
My Mom and Dad went to a music show yesterday. They watched some people play a Kitmas concert. I didn't get to go. I stayed home. Most of the time, I slept on the couch. Then I went to D.R.'s room, and she took me for a walk on the lawn. I was very happy when Mom and Dad came home. Oh, boy! I barked and jump up and down.
U know what is good? I have not had to go to the v-e-t or the groomer for a while. I get to stay home a lot. It's less scary when u don't have to get shaved or have people look at ur b-u-t-t and stuff. I like to be home with my hooman friends. :)
It is almost winter here, though my hooman friends say it is already just as cold as that. The lawns are still pretty good to sniff. We don't get snow, but sometimes we get rain. I don't like to go out in the rain, because it makes my furs wet. The only good thing about that is, Mom and Dad and D.R. feel moar sorry for me when I come back in the house, and they pet me a lot. :) Sometimes Mom even dries me with a towel. Wow!
Okay, I am gonna watch teevee with Dad. I see u soon. Bye! :) {{{Luv}}}
I'm sorry Uncle Thomas is sick. I hope he is all better soon!
Sorry you has a sick uncle sweetie. Hope he gets better real soon so your mom comes back home. he he - So glad dad shared his chicken with you. I love chicken.
Thank u, Daisy. :) Mom says he is gonna see the doctors some more. I bet they fix him all up good. :)
Thank u, Mariodacat. :) Mmm, the chicken was good. :)
Sending Uncle Thomas lots of good vibes and hopes dat he's all better again soon.
Thank u, Amber. :) I'm sure Mom will cheer him up too.
Hi Keisha, you could come with me to the groomers. My groomers let my mom and dad stay with us when we get our furs cut and nails done. We get bathed at home so it's not so scary. My dad gives them extra green stuff so that he can stay with us. He'll put in extra for you too. Hope everything gets better for your human friends soon.
Thank u, Sam. :) Dat is very kind of u. Nose kisses! :)
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