Helloo! I am Keisha, and thank u for readin mah bloggygog. :) Today is the first day of March. It is the month when springtime begins. That means there is gonna be lotsa warm weather in the Northern Hemisfur. If u lives in the Southern, it is gonna be colder. I hope u has a good coat. :)
Mondee was pretty good at my house. I did regular stuff with my hooman friends. I sat on the couch while Dad watched the nooz. D.R. had lunch, and I went to see her. Mom went outside to do some errands, which I didn't like, but then she came back, which was good.
Later, I went in D.R.'s room, to say hi, and to sniff things. U would be surprised how much fun it is to smell different things, like shoes, and books, and little gum wrappers. Then I went over to D.R.'s chair by the compooter, and I rubbed her foots like I was a kitteh. She likes that a lot. She pet me, and I felt good. Dad said this was a good sign, because I am doin all the stuff I used to do before the Thing. If u are ever sick, it helps if u have 1) a docter, 2) good hoomans who love u, 3) food and water, 4) most of all, lovins. Then u can get better. :)
I sat next to Mom on Mondee nite, while she was watchin "House Hunters" in teh front room. I got really tired, and dozed a little. D.R. says if she ever buys a new house, it will have a big yard with a fence, and trees, so a dog can go outside and look at budderflies and stuff. I would like that. :)
D.R. said she heard wild parakeets when she was at a store! :) She was comin out of the place, and she heard birdees churping. She looked behind her, and there were a lot of birds flyin back and forth on the sign and the top of the building. I bet they have nests there. Yay, little birdees! :)
Now that it's gonna be springtime, when I go out for walkies, I can sniff even more things. There's gonna be budderflies, lizards, birdees, flowers, fresh lawns, and lots more stuff. The trees are gonna have pretty blossoms on them. D.R. says u can see some of these already. I'm just glad I had my hairkoot already. I don't have to get another one for a while. :)
There's a guy across the street who just moved in not too long ago. He's the one who has the dog. He was playin his car radio real loud. I wonder why? Maybe he was fixin the car. Anyhoo, the radio was goin blam-blam-blam. U could hear it even at the back end of our house. I kinda felt bad for the little doggie who lives there. I wish the dog could visit us. :) I will probably see the little fella sometime, when I go for walkies. I bet his hooman will be done fixin the car by then, and everythin will be fine. I will even say hi to the person. :)
D.R. says it is gonna be Easter in a few weeks. She says I can't have chocklat, but maybe I can have a jellybean, or a little bit of marshmallow. Mmmmm! :)
Okay, that's it for now. I go sleepies. I hope u have a good nite too. Bye! :)
MMM jelly beans & marshmallows sound nice!
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) I like candee! :) Sometimes D.R. or Dad give me little bits of cookeys, or a jellybean. Those are yummy! :)
Hi Keisha! We are so glad that you are feeling better! It sounds like you have a lot of fun things to smell - we love to smell fun things! And yes we have heard Easter is coming soon - we don't get to try and of the stuff that you will like jellybeans but Easter usually means we get some ham!
Hi Keisha, it's raining and cold outside up here. We even had snow last Saturday. But that's okay, I like to run fast in my cart through the snow. My slow-poke dad can't keep up. Ha, ha. I'm glad that you're getting better. Hopefully that never happens again. Hoomans get very worried.
Thank u, Amy and Cats. :) I can't wait for all the food. I love turkee and candee! :)
Thank u, Sam. :) I am takin some medicine to make my tummy better. Mom thinks I eated somethin from the lawn. I felt kinda good today, though. :) Much better than before!
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