(This is me, sittin with mah Dad. :) )
O hai! How are u? I is doin okay. Thank u for readin mah blog today. I glad u have stopped by. :)
I gots news! My hooman friend D.R. was comin home, and she parked the car, and a little kitteh walked across the street and came up to her. The kitteh was goin Mew-mew-mew. D.R. had some leftover peetza from lunch, so she took bits of crust out of the box, and gived it to the kitteh. The kitteh licked the food, lik lik lik. :) Then it rubbed on D.R.'s ankles. D.R. pet the cat, and it went to sit under the car for a minute, then left.
The kitteh didn't have a collar, but it looked healthy, and when D.R. told Dad, Dad said the kitteh belongs to a guy across the street. So, it is okay. D.R. was scared because the little critter was walkin in the street, but Dad said he knows who owns it, so things are all right now.
D.R. was lookin through some stuff in her room, and she found a couple of old compooter games she lost a while ago. She was very happy! :) She is gonna play them this weekend. I think I am gonna help her. I can press buttons! I can blow up spaceships and stuff! :)
It was really foggy this mornin. It's sunny now, but in the mornin, u couldn't see a lot. There were two ducks walkin across the lawn. They had pretty colors. Now, there are more birds comin in. There are some Canada ducks goin quack-quack-quack. :) They are funny.
Okay, that is all for now. I see u later. I hopes u has a good weekend. Thank u. :)
Would have been great if you were allowed to hello to that wittle kitty. Hope you're having a great day today!
I hope the owner is more careful about the kitteh running about like that.
& yay, happy weekends!!!
I hope da wittle kitty doesn't walk across da street one times too many. Have's fun dis weekend!
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) I think I will see the kitteh when I take a walk. I hope the kitteh goes to stay inside. :)
Thank u, Pepsi. :) I hope the kitteh's famlee gets a leash and takes it for walks that way, so he can stay in the house the rest of the time. :)
Thank u, Amber. :) I think so too. I hope the hooman friend lets the kitteh stay inside, unless they are walkin the kat on a leash. :) Walkies is fun when u are safe.
I bet that kitty wanted to come over to visit you! But I agree, hopefully kitty stays indoors and only visits on a lead from now on!
We have good news for you, Keisha! You won the Premier Pogo Plush AND the Yummy Chummies Package 1 in our Blogathon! If you email us with your mailing address, we'll send them out to you. Thanks so much for participating! :D
Trixie, Lily and Sammy-Joe
Thank u, d'Artagnan. :) I hope kitty gets to sleep inside, where it's nice and warm. :)
Thank u, Trixie, Lily and Sammy-Joe! :) I am so happy! Thank u very much. I will send u the address. :)
Hi Keisha, I like cats too. I've been trying to get my mom to let me have one. I miss my friend the cat who moved away last September :( Sometimes I see ducks swimming in the big puddles that form when it rains a lot up here. Funny ducks swimming in big puddles. Anyways it sounds like everything is good at your house. And that's the best thing in the world.
Thank u, Sam. :) I wish I could swim, too. Well, it's fun to watch the birdees swim. :)
Hello dear Keisha, i hope that you and the Kitteh will become good friends!! Here is cloudy today, I hope that the sun will come soon.
Do you have many birds there?? What fun!!
Good weekend for you with sun,
Thank u, Chicco. :) I am glad D.R. met the kitteh. I hope we see him again, too, and maybe his human friend will get a leash for him. :) We have lots of birdies here! They are so cute. It is fun to watch them fly, and hear them chirp. :) I like to see them when I go out for walks. :)
Hi, Keisha!
Glad to know that kitty has an owner! Not very good one since the kitty does not have a collar or a tag but well...
Playing games?? Sounds a great plan to spend the day!
Kisses and hugs
Oh, Keisha, the birds!! I hear them every morning - and I look for them on my walkies. Yay for Spring! Happy first day of Spring! (Hope you have fun with the compooter games!)
I am a little bit worried about the little kitty running in the street, too!
Thank u, Lorenza. :) Maybe kitteh and I build a special treehouse... we can have our own sign and everything! :)
Thank u, CindyLu's Muse. :) I bet I get a good score on the compooter. I could get a million points! :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) I think critters should stay inside, unless the hooman mom or dad has a leash for them. That makes it more safe, and more funner, too. :) I will keep an eye on the little guy, promise! :)
I'm a little late... but I wanted to say CONGRATS to D.R. for finding her new job....hope it is great! Rubie's mum.
I like khytties ;-)
Thank u, Rubie and Mom. :) I am happy for my hooman friend too! :) I will wag my tail a lot, when she goes to work. That will help her feel happy. :)
Thank u, Khyra. :) My hooman friends and I hope the kitteh's hooman friends keep him super-safe. He is a good critter. :)
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