O hai! Today is Thursdee. My name is Keisha. Thank u for readin mah blog. I glad u are here. Yay! :)
Today, I had to take my medicine again. Ick! It was No Fun. :( Mom and Dad made me go in the garage, even though the car was not in there, and they put the plastic thing full of bad stuff in my mouf, and made me drink it. Blah! It was Bad. After that, I went back in the livin room and sat on the floor. I rested my head on my paws and just relaxed. That was okay. :)
My Dad has a bicycle, and it had a tire that was flat. Oops! He went to the sports store yesterday, and he got a new tire tube and a helmet. He put the tube on the tire frame. Then he put the helmet on his head. The helmet is a shiny plastic hat. I wish I could ride a bike. :) I am glad my Dad is gonna be okay. I want him to come home safe every time.
D.R. saw a kitteh yesterday! :) It was a black, white and gray kitteh. It was walkin across the street. D.R. couldn't see if it had a collar or not. The kitteh walked onto somebody's lawn, and then it went in between one house and the next, so D.R. couldn't see it anymore. It looked like a healthy cat, so she thinks it's okay. D.R. says she would love to adopt a kitteh someday. I think it would be fun to have a kitteh friend. :)
D.R. is doin exercise every day. That makes u healthee. :) She tries to walk a mile every day. She also plays the Kinect games on X Box. U can keep track of ur walks with a special pedometer made by Nike. When u are done with ur walk, u plug it into the compooter, and it shows u how far u went. It has maps of different cities, and u can see stuff like New York, Paris and Tokyo. D.R. likes it a lot. Sometimes it makes her tired, but that's kinda good, because then she'll hug and pet me when she comes home. I like walkies too. I wish they made one of those compooter things for dogs. It could show all the trees I sniffed and all the budderflies I saw. :)
Okay, that's it for now. Thank u for readin. I see u later. Bye byes! :) {{{luv}}}
Sorry that you have to take all those medicine but they will make you fine. Hope you get well soon.
Thank u, Santa, Minnie and Christmas. :) I am feelin a little better. Mom says I am eatin more. That is good! :)
Hey There Keisha,
Medicine = ICKY...but it will make you feel so much better. Just stoppin by to wish you a wonderful weekend. Hope you feel better real soon. And especially glad that you are eating more.
Thank u, Joan. :) I like to eat! I went to follow D.R. when she had breakfast. :) That was nummy.
Hi Keisha, I hope that you're feeling better. The medicine tastes bad, they all do. Maybe your mom and dad or D.R. will give you treats afterwards.
You have been a good doggie, taking all those medicines eventhough they taste so terrible. I hope they have been making you feel better.
Thank u, Sam. :) Mom is gettin me some new food, and D.R. got me some treats, too. I bet they are gonna be yummy! :)
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) I am eatin my regular food too, so the medicine does help my tummy. I also like to sit on the couch next to my Dad. That makes me feel happy. :)
I know medicine is yucky, but you need to take it so that you get all better.... We worry about you!
Thank u, Hilary. :) I don't like the taste of the medicine, but I am startin to feel kinda better. I am getting lots of rest on the couch. Today, I am gonna watch teevee with my Dad. I hope u have a good weekend, too! :)
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