O hai! My name is Keisha, and this is my blog. Thank u for readin. :)
Today, I am lucky. My Mom and Dad called the v-e-t, and he said I am gonna be okay. I am doin pretty good! My head is a little tilty, after I fell off the bed the day I had the Thing; but now I can walk, and eat, and drink, and I have run around like a good goggie full of en-ar-jee. :) Mom and Dad were so happy!! When D.R. came home from church, they told her what they dokter said, and she pet me a lot. :) It is a releef not to have to be so wurried all the time. I still like to sleep on the big towel next to the bed, though.
I got a special treat for lunch! :) I got to eat chicken and rice. Mom's brother, mah Uncle, said it is good for dogs who have an upset tummy. I had a little tummy rumbles after the Thing, so the food was not just yummy, it made me feel good. Thank u, Uncle. :)
D.R. was playin video games on a new thing she has, called the Kinect. It goes with her X Box game thing. U jump and run and stuff, and the Kinect-whatsis has a camera that can see u, so u move around on screen as if u were in the game. U can get exercise just like in the gym. D.R. says it is a lot of fun! If they have games called Jump on the Bed, Wrestle the Toy, or Chase the Tennis Ball, I would like to play, too.
I did some barkin today! :) Mom says this means I am back to normal. The doggie across the street yips a lot, so I went to the window and told him, Arf-arf-arf. I don't know if he heard me. Maybe he did, 'cause it's kinda quiet now. I hope he is takin a nap, or maybe watchin some teevee. :)
Speakin of the teevee, I got to watch the nooz with my Dad today! :) It was funny. They had some numbers on the screen, and pikshers of airplanes, and cars and stuff. Dad had some ice kreem while he was watchin it. I got to have a little!! :) It was vanilla. That is o-kay for dogs. (Chocolate is not, so plz be careful.)
I had a little bit of peetza, when D.R. was eatin lunch. She gived me a tiny piece of crust. It was good! It had some sauce on it. :) The best thing was, my tummy felt good after it.
I am gonna go for a walk outside with my Dad. It is nice and sunny. I will see u later! Bye! :)