O hai! My name is Keisha. I am a spaniel mix. Thank u for comin to read mah blog. I happy! :)
I have been feelin sick since I had a strowke a few days ago. Today, early in the mornin, I got really scaired and started to yarp. I was sleepin on a blankie next to the couch in teh front room. Mom was on the couch. I waked up, started to walk around, and got confoozed 'cause everythin didn't look normal. So I sat by the bathroom door and went yooo-yooo-yooo. Mom, Dad and D.R. got really scared, and came runnin. They hugged me and pet me a lot. D.R. even taked me for a walk on the lawn. I had to go! Whew. :) So, after that, we came back inside, and I went into Mom and Dad's room. I jumped on the bed, and they let me stay there. I just felt more comfortable. My hooman friends are good. :) :) :)
I was wobbly on Thursdee nite. It was kinda difficult for me to walk. Mom got a big towel and folded it, and I sat on that. It was very warm and fuzzy and made my tummy feel better. D.R. even gived me a tummy pat! :) I rolled on my side and pulled up my paw. She pet my tummy for a little bit. Then I flipped back over. Mom said I flipped too hard. I been doin that sometimes, since the Thing happened. They were both scaired for me. I like to look around, and do stuff, and I also like teevee, but Thursdee I had a special assignment. I had to sit on the towel real good. So I tried! I missed bein able to play, and get snacks, but I managed to sleep for a little while. Later I waked up, and had my scairy time, but my friends came to help me. I will snuggle with mah Mom and Dad tonight. That will be good. :)
The doctor I went to the other day, said that I will be all right if I can go a few days with no repeats of what happened. My hooman friends are treating me with a bunch of hugs and cuddles. I don't think I have to go to the v-e-t soon, but I will let u know if that happens.
My hoomans were really scaired on Thursdee nite. Still, I jumped up on the bed by myself! :) When Mom and Dad asked me to go sleeps in their room, I walked in, and then I got a bit of energee, and I jumped! :) Wow. I felt pretty tired after that, and I stretched out nice and flat. Mom and Dad pet me some more. That was good.
D.R. and Mom were talking about when I was a little dog, just six years young, and I came to their house 'cause they adopted me. I ran around 'cause I didn't know where anything was. I jumped on and off the couch! Later, I felt better and started to think it was my house, too. I even let D.R. hug me. Ever since then, we've done all sorts of fun stuff. I get to eat, drink, play, go outside, and relax with my friends. They feed me and pet my tummy. I know where everything in the house is, and what it smells like. It is good to have a forever home! :)
I am gonna try to rest up real good, and get lots of sleep, and have happy dreams. I even cleaned my paws, so they look nice. :) See u! Thanks! :)
Oh Keisha, you really do have the best family in the world! They are very caring & they really love you. It's good that you're having plenty of good rest. You've been a good dog. I just wish that "stroke monster" in you will just go away & leave you alone. I really hate seeing my dog bloggin' friends very sick. It's just heartbreaking.
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) It is very kind of u. My hoomans do a lot of good things to help me. I feel warm and better with my family, and my blog friends too. :) Hugs!! {{{Amber-Mae}}}
Keisha, you better concentrate on gettin' better - I am sending you all my puppy well wishes. Worried Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
Thank u, Rubie. :) This mornin was good! I waked up, went out for walkies with Dad, and came back to eat my breakfast. Mom says I am doin kinda better! :) I promise I will get lots of rest.
Oh Keisha... Poor you... I hope you feel better... You have been through so much. You must have been so scared. You are so lucky to have such a wonderful family that takes such good care of you.... Alex and I are sending good wishes and hugs your way
Thank u, Hilary and Alex. :) I am feelin a little better. I went outside, and I came back and had some water. Then I sat down while Dad watched teevee. Mom says I am doin more gooder! :)
I'll be khrossing my paws and sending my furry bestest Sibe Vibes -
We know all of your humans will take great khare of woo!
Thank u, Khyra. :) My Mom put a special blankey on the floor in her room, so I can sleep there. I don't feel like jumpin so much today, so it's nice to have an extra place to snooze. I think I am gettin a little better every day. :)
Hi Keisha, I hope that you never ever have another one of those again. I scared my mom and dad too when my back went ouch last May. I'm not 100% cause I still have to use my cart but my mom and dad are keeping their fingers crossed. I will keep hoping that you get well soon.
Keisha I am so worried about you. I didn't know you were sick. Get well soon my friend of another species. Resting is good. I do a lot of that.
Oh Keisha, I am so worried about you! Get some good rest and lots of lovings and I hope you will be all better soon.
Thank u, Sam. :) I'm glad ur famlee are takin good care of u. I luv my hoomans, too. :)
Thank u, Diamond. :) Dad says I is gettin better 'cause I'm back to tryin to get some of his food. :) Tee hee! :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) I am moving around a lot more today. I still can't turn my head the whole way, but I can run and walk, and I eat and drink when I'm supposed to. Mom and Dad are more happy, and that makes me happy too. :)
I hope you feel better soon, Keisha! You seem like such a little sweetie -- I can't wait to get to know you better through your blog! Thanks for visiting me the other day. I'm so glad we're blog friends.
-Mayli the Labradane
Thank u, Mayli. :) I am startin to feel a little better. I am glad to know you, too! :)
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