O hai! My name is Keisha. Thanks for comin to read mah blogity today. :)
I had a sad yesterday, because my hooman friend D.R. got a phone call from the agency that gived her a job. They said don't go in anymore. D.R. lost her job. She was very sad to hear that. D.R. said it was a tough job to learn, but once she got used to it, it was good. She picked up a lot of new stuff she can do on the computer. Now she can say on her resume that she worked with mortgages. This is a thing where you type stuff for people who are buying a house. D.R. said that even though she doesn't have a job now, she has a chance when she applies for another one, because now she knows how to do more stuff.
D.R. sleeped a little late this morning. That's okay, I did that too. :) D.R.'s Mom told her not to be worried, and D.R. applied for un-em-ployment right after she got the call yesterday, so she could have a money. D.R.'s company owes her a couple checks, which is how hoomans get money, so they will be sent to D.R. later on. D.R. was pretty sad, but she is gonna try to find a new job real soon and everything. She pet me on the head this mornin. I am goin to make sure she is safe, don't worry. I went in her room yesterday, and she gived me some cereal. :)
The other day, D.R. was playin a video game. It is called Kinect. It works with her XBox machine, and it can see u when u move around. The camera was pointed at D.R., and she sits on her bed when she plays the video games, so that when D.R. went to lie down, she saw it on the camera! :) D.R. says this kind of freaked her out a little, 'cause she looked like a ghost or somethin. Wow. I will jump on the bed sometime, to see what I look like. Whee! :)
D.R. is gonna go out later and visit the liberry. She is also gonna find a place for lunch. I am gonna hang out at home and watch Dad play on the compooter. Don't worry, I'm sure D.R. will find a nice new job real soon. I see u later. Thanks! :)
We are sad fur D.R. - my mom knows what that feels like BUT she also knows it will work out -
FURRY soon!
I'll khross my paws and send green paper vibes her way!
Thank u, Khyra and Mom. :) D.R. pet me when she came home from the liberry. She said she feels a little bit better. I hope she takes a nap, like I do. It's comfy if u stretch out on the floor. :)
I'm sorry 'bout D.R.'s job, my mom knows all about that stuff, too, and it's no fun. I know how you can make D.R. feel better, though - snuggle up real close and give lots of licks. That makes them smile :) CL
Thank u, Cindy Lu's Muse. :) I rubbed up on D.R.s' feet when she was sittin on her compooter-chair. She pet me!! It was good. :)
We're sorry to hear about D.R.'s loss of job. I'm keeping my paws crossed fur her to find a good new job soon!
Thank u, Pepsi. :) U are very kind. :) D.R. was all right today. She sleeped for a while, and then she went out and had ice kreem. She did some werk applicashuns on the compooter. Then she watched teevee. I will watch her; don't worry, I think she will be okay. :)
Hi, I'm sorry that D.R.'s job went bye bye. My dad's job went bye bye too but he said that it was okay cause it happened about a month or two before my I had a problem with my back. So my dad did contract work at home and took care of me for the next few months. He said that it was better that it worked out that way. So Keisha, tell D.R. that it'll be okay and that you love her too.
Thank u, Sam. :) U is very kind. :) I think D.R. will have a new job soon. That is good, because then I will be able to jump on her again, when she comes home. :)
I'm sorry about D.R.'s job, but it is always good to get all sorts of different experience. I hope she will find an even betterer job soon!
Our Mommeh does the Biggest Loser exercise game on the Kinect. She says it is hard!
Thank u, Daisy. :) I would like to play a video game with D.R.! I bet it would be fun. :)
I'm sorry to hear that your mum lost her job. I'm sure she will find a better one soon. My mum says she needs to enjoy the little holiday she will have between jobs! Keep her spirits up and help her with any ice-cream that needs licking! Tail Wuggles, Rubie.
I hope D.R. will be ok. I think she will be cos she has you looking out for her.
~lickies, Ludo
Thank u, Rubie. :) That is good advice about the ice kreem. I like vanilla. :) It is yummy!
Thank u, Ludo van Doggy. :) I check on D.R. every night. I rub on her foots while she's on the compooter chair. :) She luvs dat!
I'm glad you and D.R. made each other feel good! pee-ess...I'm presenting another award on Saturday that will mention a very special spaniel ;)
Thank u, Cindy-Lu's Muse. :) That is so nice of u! :) I went to say hi to D.R. She pet me a lot. :) We both felt good. I am gonna watch a moovey with Dad. It is a fun nite. :) (P.S. Thank u so much!! Dat is very kind of u!!)
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