(U can see me and D.R. in this piksher. Hee hee!)
O hai! My name is Keisha. Welcome to mah blog today! :) Thank u for reading it. I glad u here. :)
I has some not-so-fun news. My Mommeh is sick. She has a Cowd! :( That is when u sneez and coff all the tiem. She sleeped most of the day. Dad wouldn't let me sit on the bed. He said Mom needs to sleeps. Mom waked up later. Then she went to rest on the couch, in the front room, and she watcheded the teevee a lot. I hope she gets better soon, so we can play and go outside and stuff. Get better soon. {{{Mom}}} :)
D.R. gived me some noodles before! :) They were yummy. They had sauce, the sweet and sour kind. Mmmm. D.R. came home early, because they made her go to werk early, to be at a Meetin; then at the end of the day, she got to leave early. D.R. was happy, 'cause she was a little tired, and she was glad to see me and Mom & Dad too.
The other day, D.R. gived me some popcorns! :) Mmmmm. They went crunch! I had fun catchin them out of the air. I eated a lot, and I got to watch teevee with D.R. I heard a kitteh outside the window! He meowed a lot. I hope he comes back, so I can say hi when I go for walkies. I think this is the same kitteh that got in a fite with a skwirel before. I heard them, on Caturday. They were goin eeeeek-eeek at each other. I don't think they jumped on each other. They just made some noise. I think all the critters around here like to come visit our house, because we have a big huge tree on the front lawn, and we have lots of pretty ferns and stuff close to the windows, which are good if u want to lie down in some nice shade. So, we see lots of birdees and skwirels and kittehs. Also lizerds, but they run really fast. :)
It's kinda cold here. Now is the part of the year I'm really glad I have long, fuzzy furs. Dad takes me for walkies, even when it's freezin. Thank u, Dad. :)
Okay, now I am goin to see if Mom is okay, and then maybe I'll sit down in the livin room. I see u later. Thank u! :) Bye-byes.
P.S. -- Tomorrow is my Mom and Dad's anniversary!! Yay, Mom and Dad! They got married in 1969. I loves u, Mom + Dad. :)
Take good khare of your mommeh -
I know what it is like to have to listen to them make all those khold noises!
Hi Keisha! I hope your Momma gets better soon! Sickies are no fun for hoomans and pups alike.
Thank u, Khyra. :) I will sniff Mom and stay by the couch, so she is safe. :)
Thank u, Pepsi. :) I promise, I gonna watch Mommeh real good. I bet she gets better soon! :)
Hi Keisha! We are sorry your mom has a cold! We are sending her lots of get well purrs! We think if you let her get sleeps and snuggles with her a lot she will get better quickly!
And that is good that D.R. got to leave early when she went in late - our mom had to go in early but they made her stay the whole time, so she was not happy. D.R. was lucky to leave a bit early if she was tired! And you are lucky to get tasty foods - we haven't had noodles but we have tried popcorn and we like it - especially with butter. But we only get one or two when we have them.
And wow we hope that kitty is there to meet you - that would be so fun for both of you!
And happy anniversary to your mom and dad! Our mom's mom and dad got married that same year - is must have been a good one to get married!
Thank u, Amy and Cats. :) I want to cuddle next to Mom, so she gets all betterer. :) I will even bring her some soop, if she wants. :)
I hope your mom feels better soon, Keisha so she will be ready to celebrate the anniversary!
Congratulations to Mom and Dad!
I love popcorn too!
Take care
Kisses and hugs
Hello Miss Keisha :o)
Hope your Mommy feels better soon! Sending my powerful Yorkie healing vibes for her!
Guess what? I Love popcorn too :o)
Happy, Happy Anniversary to your Pawrents!
Neeko :o)
Thank u, Lorenza. :) I hope Mom feels better today, so she and Dad can have a nice time. :)
Thank u, Neeko. :) I will cross my paws for extra quick get-better time for Mom. :)
Sure hope Mom gets better real soon - lots of people with really nasty colds!!
And a BIG Happy Anniversary to Mom and Dad!! Cause for a huge celebration! You take good care of them, Keisha!
I hope your mom feels better soon, so she can enjoy her special day tomorrow. We will purr for her!
Thank u, CindyLu's Muse. :) Ai will snuggle with Mom later on. Today, I eated breakfis with Dad. I is very happy!
Thank u, Daisy. :) I gonna wag my tail extra good, because I am so happy for their aminavursery. :)
We hope your mom gets well soon - she's got an anniversary to celebrate! Congratulations to your mom and dad on so many years of marriage - our mom says they must be saints!
Thank u, OKCats. :) I is very very happy for mah Mom & Dad. D.R. says they are the best Mom & Dad ever!! :)
Hi Keisha, I'm sure that you were able to make your mom feel much better just by being nearby. The last time my dad was really sick, my mom left all four of us for my dad to look after. It wasn't pretty but my dad got through it. It sounds like your dad's a good guy too. Wow married since 1969. That's good.
Thank u, Sam. :) I hope my Mom and Dad save me some food from when they go out to dinner. Leftover steak is really good! :)
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