O hai. My name is Keisha. Thank u for readin mah bloggy today. :)
I has a sick today. I was sleepin the other day, and I fell out of bed. Mom, Dad and D.R. were very scaired. Mom thought I had a strow-ke. That means the stuff in ur brain isn't goin quite right. So, they took me to the v-e-t. He said Mom and Dad were right, it really was a strow-ke. My hooman friends have to watch me very closely for the next four days. If I don't have another one, then I'll be okays. They are goin to give me baby aspirin. This will help my brain feel better. My hooman friends were very sad, but now they feel a little better, because I am gonna have medicine and rest up. Plz don't worry too much, I have been to the dokter and I am gonna do what he said. I'll be fine. :)
D.R. has another innervoo on Friday. It's kind of a different thing, a test instead of talking to someone. D.R. has to take a thing on the compooter. She will go to a town called Oldsmar on Friday, take the quiz and then come back. If she does well, they might give her a job. I hope she wins! :)
D.R. did something nice for me. She bought some special dog treats! There are different kinds, twisty ones and cookey ones and ones with peanut butter in them, and more. I can't wait to eat them. :)
Okay, I am gonna snuggle with my hooman friends, and get some sleep. I will get better, I promise. Thank u! :)
Oh Keisha we are so sad that you are sick! We are sending you tons of purrs and prayers to get better very soon! We are so glad your mom and dad were able to think clear and take you to the vet and get you checked! Be sure that you get a LOT of rest so you get well soon!!
Thank u, Amy and Cats. :) I am gonna be okay. I eated a little bit of chicken when I got home! :) That was tasty. I gonna sleep a lot, later. :) {{{Amy}}}
Keisha, I am so sorry you had a sick. I hope you feel all better soon. That sounds so skerry! You are a brave doggie.
I am wishing good luck for D.R.!
I'm so sorry that your brain went off kilter! We will be praying that it feels all better. I know your people are worried for you, but you have a great attitude.
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh... We are sorry that you are not feeling well...
We hope that you get better soon!
Lot's of kisses for you!
Paws crossed here for you, Keisha!
I hope everything goes well!
Take care
Kises and hugs
Oh Keisha! I am sending you lots and lots of Mal-vibes, and keeping my paws crossed fur you that no sickies come back to you.
Get well soon!
Thank u, Daisy. :) I went to the v-e-t and they checked me out and stuff. They said it looks like I can get better in four days. My hoomans are gonna take good care of me! :)
Thank u, Oskar. :) I am gonna rest a lot and stay with my hoomans. I will sit near them, and we can watch teevee and stuff. :)
Thank u, Terrorzinhos. :) I think I will be okay soon. I am going to get lots of sleep and drink water. Mom and Dad and D.R. are good friends to have. :)
Thank u, Lorenza. :) We were scaired, but I just need lots of rest and care at home. I will be okay, I'm sure. :)
Thank u, Pepsi. :) My hooman friends are givin me lots of attention and love. That helps a lot! :)
Keisha it sounds like you are strong and getting good treatment and lots of love - which is some of the very best medicine! I'll be thinking of you and hoping your health gets back on track very soon!
-Chandra at Daley's Dog Years
Yikes! Strokes are no fun. Please feel better soon k?
Thank u, Chandra. :) I feelin a little better. My hoomans are very helpful. They give me food, water and hugs. Hugs are the best! :)
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) Today was a little better than yesterday. I am gonna rest a lot. D.R. was petting me before, which is also good. :) I will be okay, I am sure. :)
Poor little Keisha. We are so sorry you aren't feeling well. Okay - we are going to send you a zillion ((((((HUGS)))))) did ya get them?? Hope you are feeling better real soon.
Little Janie
P.S. Keeping our fingers crossed for the job!
Thank u, Little Janie and Joan. :) I got lots of hugs and pettings from Mom, Dad and D.R. today. Thank u for the hugs! They feel very good. :)
I'm checking back in to see how you are doing today!
Nubbin wiggles,
Thank u, Oskar. :) I am feelin a little bit more alert. I eated some food, drinked some wa-wa and went for a couple of walks. My hoomans have also been petting me a lot. It helps! :)
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