O hai, my name is Keisha. Thank u for readin mah blog. I glad to have u here today! :)
We had a thing that broked in our house this morning. It was the water heater. This means that we don't have hot water until we get the heater replaced, which will be on Monday. My hoomans were kinda Sad. I got all confoozed when Mom and Dad went into the garage, and I started to cry. Then they came back and petted me. That was better! :)
D.R. had a good week at her job. She said the people are nice, and she learned how to do the computer work. She didn't have a lot of mistakes. One day, the supervisor even brought brownies! :) D.R. is glad to have something to do. I like it when she comes home, and she pets me. :)
We had lots of rain the other day. There were also tornadoes, which didn't hit our town, but were close by. Dad watched the teevee weather a lot. D.R. had to drive really slow to work. It took an hour or two for the rain to stop. The good thing about rain, is that when it's done, the grass and trees can grow. So that's okay. :)
I barked this mornin, because a bunch of people walked their dogs past my house, and I couldn't get close enough to sniff everybody and see if they were okay. I was protectin mah house. It was okay, they left after that. We are safe. :)
D.R. gived me a tummy pat when I was on the couch before. I was watchin the teevee with Dad, and D.R. came to sit with us. I was restin on my side. D.R. started to pat my tummy. I loved it! I lifted up my paw. She rubbed my tummy for a few minutes. I was very happy for that. :)
Okay, I am gonna go for now. It is gettin sunny, and maybe Dad will take me for a walk. I see u later! Bye-bye. :)
Hi Keisha! I like to have my tummy petted too! And guess what? Right after I started living here, our hot water heater broked, too. Our mom calls it The Great Flood of '09. I hope you did not have a huge flood like we did.
Your friend, Zoe
Have you kept all of these pupdates inside your head for awhile, Keisha? It seems that way to me because you had so much to say and we are glad you told us all about your good and bad news! We sure do hope your humans get their water heater fixed because taking cold showers is no fun (and if you have to have a baff then you won't like the cold water either)!
Not having hot water is awful!
Well... that is what my mom says!
I hope you all have a nice and relaxing weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Thank u, Zoe. :) Mom says the garage was messed up, but now it is okay. We are gonna get a new heater tomorrow. I will be very happy when it's done! :)
Thank u, Teacher's Pets. :) Mom says each person can only use the shower for a few minutes. That is good, because I don't like cold water for washin, and I bet they don't, either. :) At least it is only one more day.
Thank u, Lorenza. :) I am okay for now, but my hoomans will be really glad when the heater person comes with our new machine. I'm glad it'll be tomorrow. I bet they're so happy, they pet me a lot! :)
Good to know the tornadoes weren't close enough to your home because that would have been a very, very scary experience!
Oh noes! Keisha, one year our hot water heater broke right around Christmas! It took about 3 days until we gotted a new water heater. My Mommeh said the showers were COLD!
Thank u, Amber-Mae. :) My hooman friends and I were very happy when the rain clouds went away. :) We were glad the only thing that happened was a lot of noise and rain, and some branches in the road. We are okay. :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) D.R. said she took a shower this mornin, and it was okay, but she did it really fast. I glad I don't have to take a b-a-f-f every day! :)
Sorry bouts da water heater. Hope it's all fixed now. We had da bad wedder last week too. Da cable place got hit by heavy winds and we losted our teevee and da inner nut.
Thank u, Amber. :) I am sorry u had no compooter or teevee! My hoomans really like those things. I am glad things are okay now. :)
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