Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hello, everyone. :)

My Mom and Dad went Outside to see Mom's brudder. They will be Away for a while, and so mah frend D.R. who lives here too is watchin me. Mostly, I's asleep on the couch. After that, I might get up and go sleep in another room.

I tryed to bite D.R. before. I sorry! :( Oops. I got scaird when she was tryin to hug me. Never spin in a cirkle when ur frend is tryin to hug u. Yipes.

Okay, well I hope u has a good time to-day, and I will see you later. Thanks very much.


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

So, when does the pawty kikhk off?


Donna said...

As soon as we get the cookeys! Yaaaay! :)

Country Cats said...

Hello Keisha nice to meet you!

Sasha said...

It is a sleepy time here too Keisha, because of the heat.

Donna said...

Oh hai, Country Cats! Thanks u, I liked ur site. :)

Thanks u Diamond, I has many sleeps a day. They keeps me healfy. :)

ZOOLATRY said...

Hi Keisha...
Thanks for stopping by to visit us.
We luf meeting other furry-friends, especially in the "sunshine state". Now we know who to call when we need protection.
We have some pictures for you; if you would email us, we can send them back to you:

Bye now, Maggy & Zoey

PS it's kind of funny, but our word verification below is...
b u l l s ... no kidding!

Donna said...

Hi, Zoolatry pals! Thanks so much. It'z very kind of u. :)