Hi, everybody. Today I will show u one of the videos my friend filmed when she was at the zoo. They don't have dogs at the zoo, unless you count wolves and hyenas. They just don't have regular dogs. They have lots of big cats, like tigers and cheetahs. :) The cheetahs can run really fast! I bet they'd be good at fetch.
There were so many ducks outside my house this morning, I could hear them all quacking. Some of them have babies. The babies like to swim in the pond near the church. D.R. said she will try to get videos of them too.
I was happy when Mom came home tonight. She had a dinner for her friend's birthday. Also, she went to exercise class. My Dad played lots of compooter games. I like the games because you get to see airplanes fly all over the place. If they had a game called "Find the Snack," I think I would be good at it.
Okay, that's it for today. Thank u! It was good to see u. I will be back soon. Hugs. :)
It would be so much fun to do zoooomies with those 'khytties'
Thanks fur sharing the video!
Thank u. :) D.R. said she saw giraffes too. They were very tall! I'd have to stand on stilts to be like that.
That was a great video Keisha! It looks like it was a fun place for D.R. to visit.
We have lots of ducks outside too - we have a creek that goes behind out house and they like to spend a lot of time there - every morning it sounds like they are having a party! We hope that D.R. can get some video of your ducks - that would be neat!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Thank u, Amy and Cats. This morning there were four Canadian ducks outside. Four! They made a lot of noise, but they were a pretty green color. :)
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