I live with my hoomin friends. I try to do a good job of protecting the house. Monday, we almost had An Incident. I will tell u about it.
I walked into D.R.'s room to sniff under the dresser, like I always do. So I'm sniffin, and everything is okay, and then I decide to go over and sniff the lamp wire. Only D.R. says, please stop, Keisha, I don't want u to be hurt. So, I try to go backwards away from the wire and the dresser. Only, my feets get stuck. Then D.R. moved her chair, and I was able to back out of there. No wires. Okay! :) I was all right after that. No injuries. Yipee! :)
The stupid unemployment took away some of D.R.'s green papers. They said it was because the company D.R. used to work for last year made a boo-boo when they sent in some information. So, the unemployment hoomins are taking away some green papers from D.R.'s next check. This gave her a Sad. D.R. is still looking for a new job, though. I hope she gets one. This will make us both happy. :)
Today, we had bacon! I got two little pieces when D.R. had a little bit of bacon for breakfast. Also, D.R.'s Mom was doing the crossword. I went up to her and tried to help her read the clues. I think she will get it right.
Yesterday, there were a lot of ducks. Some were walking across the street. Others were sitting on the lawn. They were pretty. I like their feathers.
Okay, I am going to sit next to my Dad. I see u later. Thanks. :) {{{Luv}}}
Hi Keisha, we're glad that everything is okay at your house. Stuff will get sorted out for D.R. and that will be fine too in time. Meanwhile, you have some nice ducks to look at.
Thank u, Topcat. :) I like to watch the ducks waddle. They are like big footballs! :)
Bacons? My sisfur who came before me LOVED bacons. I hope you enjoyed yours.
You are my most favorite doggie ever! xoxoxoxo
Thank u, Katie Isabella. :) U is a awesum kitteh!!
Whew - I'm really happy nothing serious happened at your house with the cords. Hope DR is offered a job pretty soon, It's hard to buy kibble for you when there are no green papers.
Thank u, Mariodacat. :) I will be so happy when D.R. gets the green papers, 'cause then she will hug me a lot, and we can share snacks. :)
We are sitting here with paws crossed for DR re job and glad you were not hurt Keisha.
Best wishes Molly
Thank u, Molly. :) Sometimes it is hard to be a sekoority dog, but I do my best. :)
That sounds like a close call, Keisha. Glad the incident was averted. Bacon sounds yummy. We all like bacon. Happy Thursday. xoxo
Thank u, Prancer Pie. :) I try to be alert to all types of problems.
my mum never gives me yummy treats like bacon! Maybe we should have added that to the pole on my blog hehe :-)
Lucky Keisha
Thank u, Cassie. :) Bacons are yummy.
hi keisha. i like ur blog. i am a cat. don no one i read ur blog. i use fake name here.
r green papers monies? chris liek them. chris my hooman. chris gone all day to get the monies. it sucks! okay, bettr go now. tanks for listening.
I'm purring that your DR finds an excellent new job really soon!
Thank u, Not Mr. Kitten. :) Green papers are monies.
Thank u, d'Artagnan and Diego. :) I hope so too.
hey Keisha,
Whew, close call! So furry happy you are o.k. and got out of the scary situation!
My human is very upset to read that D.R. has to pay back unemployment. That is not right. It seems a lot of states are making the unemployed pay back unemployment by claiming it was an "error" or "overpayment." The company supposedly made the error (has the unemployment office proved it? was there really an error made?), so why isn't the company paying it back? Ugh! Sorry, D.R. Hope things get better for you!
Thank u, Suka. :) I think I will get green papers for D.R. by helping people mow the lawn. I can steer the mower when the guy comes to our house! :)
Hi Keisha!
Close call with that incident!
...sorry about the unemployment stuff. Glogirly is on the same thing and it's no fun. She's been looking for a job in-between my blog posts for six whole months.
hey, thanx for visiting us!
xo Katie
Thank u, Katie and Glogirly. :) I like to keep watch on mah hoomin friends.
Hi Keisha. I'm sorry to hear D.R.'s predicament.I don't think it is fair that the government is taking D.R.'s money when it was the previous workplace's boo-boo.
Well, at least you had bacon. I do hope D.R. finds a job soon.
Huggies and Cheese,
Thank u, Haopee. :) Bacon is good! :) I bet D.R. finds something soon too. :)
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