Saturday, December 8, 2012

Caturday is good :) and I winned a new star

O hai! My name is Keisha, and thank u for coming to read my blog. :)

I has a news! My friend Prancer Pie said I could have a new star. So, I have four now. Yipee! Thank u, Prancer Pie. I very happy. :) (Please go here if you want to read the rules, at the Thought Palette website.)

I am so happy, I am wagging my tail! :)

D.R. got home from work on Fries Day, and she pet me. That was really good. Dad was taking a nap. I walked around a little, and then I went to sit in the living room. After that, Dad woke up. I went to sniff him. He was okay. :) I feel good when I do my job as a sekoority guard.

Today is Caturday. My Mom went out, and when she came home, she started to make a sandwich for lunch. It was fun to watch her. That is like going to the movies for me. :)

Mom made a burger for Dad. Mmm, it smells good! I am going to ask if I can have some. :) I see u later. Thanks! {{{Luv}}}


Unknown said...

You got alot of stars there Keisha. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

GOOSE said...

You are a super star with all the stars you have. Hope you got a little hamburger.

Donna said...

Thank u, Molly. :) I took a walk with D.R. It was neat. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Goose. :) The burger was yummy!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We hope you got some of that burger, Keisha. Have an easy peasy Sunday. xoxo

Donna said...

Thank u, Prancer Pie. :) I did get it! Yummy.

Mr. Black said...

Hi Keisha. You sure look cute in that photo!

Kali and Aswell said...

She and He do had burgers for they supper too! And we do getted some a course! We do always getted some even if She do eated foods we do not liked too much.

She do telled me I do not liked She's Christmas ice cream but I do had to try it to maked sure.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, Keisha!:D
Oh and drop by, I've got something for you:)

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Keisha, I hope that you got a little piece of the burger. We're also happy that you got a star.

Sasha said...

glad that you are getting more stars, Keisha. You deserve them.
Dawn (Shubunkin) for The Pond Fish

Donna said...

Thank u, Dawn. :) The stars are pretty.

Chicco said...

Hello dear Keisha,

so happy you got 4 stars now!!
Have a great time with your dad and your mom :)
Have a nice sunday!
Woof, woof,


Donna said...

Thank u, Chicco. :) I like to be with my friends. I hope u has a good Sunday too. :)

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

WOW! A fourth star!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! Won't be long now before you have all six. purrs

Donna said...

Thank u, Nerissa. :) U is very kind.

Daisy said...

Fries day is the best day of the week, I think.

Donna said...

Thank u, Daisy. :) It's a good day to have some fries. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Sam. :) The burger was delicious!

Donna said...

Thank u, Mr. Black. :) Dat is very nice of u.

Donna said...

Thank u, Kali and Aswell. :) Ice kreem is yummy!

Donna said...

Thank u, Cotton. :) I is very glad to has these stars. :)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Did you get the burger?

Donna said...

Thank u, Michico and Adan. :) Yes, I got some burger. It was good. :)