Thursday, December 6, 2012

Furs Day.

O hai. My name is Keisha. Welcome to mah blog place. I hopes u enjoys it. :)

I did a thing the other day. I had a p-o-o-p on the rug again. Dad says I have a Thing that happens, because I am o-l-d. Because of the Thing, I have to take medicine so I don't get the Dy Rea as much, but it still comes back sometimes. D.R. had a Worried. She came home and she pet me. I was all right by then. Today was pretty good too, no attacks this time. I am glad. Whew. :) The good thing about it is, Mom puts the medicine in cake. I like cake! :)

D.R. went for a walk today during her break at work. She saw pretty heron birdees at the pond next to the building! She took pikshers of them. One was a little bebeh, the other was a big grown-up. U can see them here. :)

It is almost time for Crispmouse. I bet Dad puts on the radio. He likes to do that at Crispmouse-time. There are lots of songs about Santy Paws. I am going to stay up Crispmouse Eve and see if I can spot the reindeer. Bet I get extra prezints that way! :) We don't have a chimney, so I don't know how Santa is going to get into our house. I hope they give the reindeer a key.

I read this story, and I got kind of skeered. It's about a vampire! :( D.R. got bit by something during the summer. It made her leg itch really bad. Maybe it was a moskeeto, but maybe it was a vampire. Oh noes, is D.R. going to turn into a bat? Do I have to ask Mom to get the garlic out of the fridge? But D.R. goes out during the daytime and she doesn't burn up, so maybe she is all right. I hope so.

Okay, I am going to watch teevee with Mom now. I see u later. Thanks. {{{Luv}}}


GOOSE said...

Those are some nice bird picture. Hope your medicinehelps you.

Donna said...

Thank u, Goose. :) Heron and crane birdees are cute.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Happy Friday, Keisha! We are glad you are better and so glad your humans understand about us "mature" furbabies. We sended you back a star for your award. XOXOXO

Donna said...

Thank u, Prancer Pie. :) U is very kind.

Unknown said...

Hope you are better today Keisha and no more accidents. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

I hope you don't get "dy rea", Keisha, stay well

Donna said...

Thank u, Molly. :) I like Fries Day too.

Donna said...

Thank u, Cotton. :) I like to get the medicine in cake.

meowmeowmans said...

Sorry you had an accident, Keisha. We hope your medicine (in that yummy cake!) helps.

We like D.R.'s pictures of those birds!

Donna said...

Thank u, Meowmeowmans. :) I like cake!

Little Reufus said...

Lubbs yeu, Keisha!!! Merry Crisbmeuse!!!

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Donna said...

Thank u, Little Reufus. :) Me lubs u too. :)