Thursday, December 13, 2012

O hai, Furs Day is here

Hi there! My name is Keisha and this blog is mine. :) U can read it. Thank u. :)

In the picture above, u can see me. The light isn't good, because it was very early in the morning, and Mom only put on one lamp at the food table. U can't see Mom, but I am there. :)

I got lots of pettings yesterday. That was good. Also, I cleaned my paws. D.R. went to sleep really early, and she sleeped a lot of hours. Sometimes we all get nap attacks. I took a nap on the carpet by the front door. That's a pretty good spot. :)

Yesterday, D.R. had a fish sammich and some spaghetti-o's. Those are o-shaped noodles with sauce. I didn't get noodles, because they were too hot. I did get a little bit of fish. It was good! :)

Today, I went in D.R.'s room when she was watching teevee. I tapped her with my snoot. She pet me! :) I liked it. Then I went to see what Mom was doing. She was going to the door, so I asked her to take me for a little walk. And she did. :) Thanks, Mom.

I saw a bug. I don't think he was alive anymore. His feets were upside down. It's too bad we don't have a frog, because he could get all the bugs. :) D.R. saw lots of tiny lizards at work. They were running in and out of the bushes. D.R. likes to take a walk when she is on break time. That's when she saw all the lizards. We have them outside our house, too. They can even run on the wall. Wow. I can't do that. I like to sit on the floor. :)

Okay, now I am going to sit with my Dad. I bet he pets me. Thank u. {{{Luv}}}


GOOSE said...

I like eraly mornings with my MOM too. Have a great day.

Donna said...

Thank u, Goose. :) Merry Kitmas to u and ur Mom.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Sounds like another great day, Keisha. We hope you get lots of tastes and pettings tomorrow, too. Happy Friday. xoxo

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Your beans are so sweet and kind taking good care of you~!!
I can tell you are very happy from your every words!!
Nice to know you got some fishes!! Must be really yummy!!!

Unknown said...

Keisha are you all set for Christmas? Are you getting excited as Santa Paws will be here soon? Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly

Anonymous said...

Early mornings with your mom sounds fun, I get those on the weekends!

Donna said...

Thank u, Prancer Pie. :) I like pettings. :) Hope u has a fun weekend. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Michico and Adan. :) I luv mah hoomin friends. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Molly. :) I can't wait for Santy Paws! :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Cotton. :) I hope u get lots of fun time with the hoomin this weekend. :)

Flamincatdesigns said...

I like nap attacks, being kitties, we take our naps very srsly. purrr
Hey we get froggies at our house, mom always has to fish dem out of da pool. Sometimes they come up on the patio and we get to see dem but we are house cats so we don't get to poke dem. Have a great nap day. purrr

Donna said...

Thank u, crazykittykat1. :) Me hopes u gets a nice warm nap time too. :)

Lapel Pins said...

Great work,keep it up..
Lapel Pins

Kerala Tour said...

very nice,thank you very much for sharing,