Friday, December 28, 2012

Yummy foods!

O hai. My name is Keisha. In this picture, you can see the fountain at D.R.'s office building. It is really pretty! Another company is buying the building soon, though, and D.R.'s company will have to move out, to another place. Awww shucks.

Anyway, let's think about good stuffs instead. Today, something happened that was very good! I ate three big pieces of a burger that D.R. shared with me. She broke off little pieces of the burger. It was yummy. It had bread and ketchup and mayo. Mmmmmm! I liked it a lot. Thank u, hoomin friend. :)

My Dad took me for lots of walkies today. Thank u, Dad. :) Mom will be home from her trip later tonight. That is another good thing! :) I miss Mom. I wish I could go with her, but I am too o-l-d to go in the car much anymore. So I will be extra glad when she comes home tonight.

D.R. is kinda Sad because there is no hockey on the teevee. This time of year, there are usually NHL games to watch, but there is a problem because there are no contracts or something. D.R. is watching more movies now, plus reading more. Sometimes I go in her room and she pets me. So that part of it is okay.

I sat on the couch with Dad a lot, the past two days. We watched teevee. Also, I went to sleep early. I like for all my hoomins to be home at the same time, so whenever someone is out, I get a little confoozed. It was fun to watch teevee with Dad. He didn't want to watch Animal Planet, though, just a lot of scary shows. I like giraffes better. :)

It is almost winter! It is very cold where we live. I'm glad I still have my long furs for now. Plz remind your hoomin friends to put on their coats and gloves if they have to go out.

Okay, I see u later. Thanks! {{{Luv}}} Have a fun Caturday. :)


Katie Isabella said...

Sweetheart, have a wonderful day and tomorrow too. I have missed you.

Donna said...

Thank u, Katie Isabella. :) I hope u has a fun Caturday.

Reuben said...

Wow, that pool looks fun! My mama wishes she had a pool in her workplace too :)


Donna said...

Thank u, Reuben. :) I bet it would be fun to put toy boats in there.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We luv bites of burgers, too! Three is an excellent number of bites to get! Hope you had a great Christmas, Keisha and you have a wonderful weekend. XOXO

Donna said...

Thank u, Prancer Pie. :) U can has some, next time. :)

georgia little pea said...

Hai Keisha the spaniel. I like the way you talk. You're a nutter like me! LOL We don't have to put on coats and gloves where we are, just a lot of sunblock and bathers :D X

Donna said...

Thank u, Georgia. :) I glad u enjoyed the blog.

Unknown said...

Keisha you got some burger, lucky you. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Donna said...

Thank u, Molly. :) I like burgers.

Kali and Aswell said...

you do be lucky!!! I do still be sulking cuz She do maked banana food stead of chicken or liver food like She do be SPOSED to!

But now She do be cooking meats for She and He to eat for they dinner and we do always getted to had some if we layed down and do shutted up while they eated! I do be very good at lay down and shut up when there do be GOOD food.

But not for banana bread!

Donna said...

Thank u, Kali and Aswell. :) I hope u get some steak soon. :)

Anonymous said...

That fountain is gorgeous!

Donna said...

Thank u, Cotton. :) I would like to play there.

Sasha said...

We hope you don't get cold Keisha. Maybe you could come here for a while as it is hot here.
Princess Aurora (Shubunkin)

Donna said...

Thank u, Aurora. :) I would love to visit u! I will ask my hoomins. :)

meowmeowmans said...

That sure is exciting to get some yummy foods, Keisha! Burgers are GOOD! :)

Stay warm, okay?

Donna said...

Thank u, Meowmeowmans. :) Yes, they are very yummy!

Mr Puddy said...

Happy New Year to you and your lovely family !!!

May Every Single Day of Your New Year Glow With
Pawsome Cheer, Excellent Healthy, & Happiness

❤ You always been loved by Me ❤

Puddy Boy
( AKA... Mr. Poot )

Donna said...

Thank u, Mr. Puddy. :) U has a awesome, too!