O hai! I am Keisha, the spaniel mix dog. Thank u for visiting mah blog. :)
I has good news to say. Mah Mom is feeling some more better. :) She took some more medicine, and she ate her breakfast and lunch, and she even went outside and did some things. She still has to do more resting, and take more medicine too, but she is a lot better than she was before. I am so happy! I am wagging my tail. Wag wag. :)
D.R. saw a duckie! He was cute. He was the Canadian kind, with pretty colors. He was next to the pond, at the office where D.R. works. :) I didn't see him. I was at home today. I just saw little sparrows. It is fun to watch them fly.
The phone at D.R.'s office was all messed up. The cord was tangled. They gave her a new one, but then the plastic stand on the back of the phone wouldn't come off. Without that being moved, they couldn't put on the new cord. Yipes! Phones are funny. I just watch when my Mom or Dad use the phone. Hoomins talk into them, and other hoomins listen. Wow. That is fun. :) I want to use a phone so I can order pizza.
U know what? D.R. gave me a lot of hugs the past few days. So did Mom and Dad. Thank u, hoomins. :)
Also, D.R. had ice cream before. She couldn't give it to me, because it was chocolate. It smelled good, though. I hope I get a little the next time she has vanilla. :)
Okay, now I am going to rest and watch teevee with Mom. I see u later. Thanks. {{{Luv}}}
Hi Keisha,
Did you know there is doggy ice cream? Yes, it's Frosty Paws and it's in the ice cream section at the grocery store. Do you have a Publix near you? They carry it.
Molly & Jessie each get a dixie cup (Frosty Paws comes 4 cups to a box) on Friday nights, after their 8 o'clock potty time. It's a tradition. Tell your hoomuns.
Hugs ♥
Glad to hear that your mom is feeling better. And you must try Frosty Paws. Yummy ice cream for us doggies.
Nice to know your mommy is getting better and better, that is wonderful.
Thank u, Joyce. :) I will ask my friend to get it.
Thank u, Goose. :) I bet that stuff is yummy. :)
Thank u, Michico, Adan and Lego. :) I am very happy that my Mom is getting better. :)
We are so pleased mum is better. Take it easy. Have a fabulous Friday.
Best wishes Molly
Mom and dad like cookies! Such a cute little tyke you are! (what am I, yoda?)
meowloz keisha...we will sends ewe a free cell ewe lar dee vice for ewe ta use; noe quest shunz asked pleez...N then ya can order pizza 24/7/983; call pets smart N tell em ta get yur biscuit order reddy and order cake !!! we loves de cookie picture :) glad yur mom iz doin better N we hope everee one haza grate week oh end !!
Hi Keisha. I nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. More info here: http://travelling-cats.blogspot.be/2013/02/cat-from-carcassonne-france.html
Hy dear Keisha,
so happy that your mom is feeling better!
I wish we can eat ice-cream too!
Have a nice weekend.
Woof, woof,
Thank u, Molly. :) I am happy my friends are well.
Thank u, Orbit. :) I glad u like the photo.
Thank u, Tabbies of Trout Towne. :) I am happy to have good food.
Thank u, Avalon. :) I am so happy!
Thank u, Chicco. :) I hope u get lots of good noms.
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