Monday, May 6, 2013

O hai, Mom and Dad Day is here :)

Hello! Welcome to mah blog today. My name is Keisha. It is good to see u. :) {{{hugs}}}

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In this picture, you can see the fish in the tank. That's from the office where D.R. works. The fish swim around, and the people in the doctor's office like to watch that. I would too. :)

It was a little bit cloudy this morning. Then the sun came out. :) It's fun to go outside for walks like that. When we came back, I sat next to the couch and spent some time with Dad. It was good. :)

D.R. likes to pet the furry spot on the back of my neck. I like that, too. It makes me feel good. :) I hope you get lots of pettings and hugs too.

Okay, I am going to rest for a while. I see u later. Thanks! {{{Luv}}}


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Keisha, glad that you're well. Can't spot the fish in the tank though.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

We enjoy pets on the back of our necks, too. That is a great spot for scratches also. Happy Tuesday, Keisha! XOXO

Anonymous said...

Very fantastic and well-written post.I like your blog..
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michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I like Michico petting my cheek,
always makes me really happy~!!!
I am glad you have a great perfect time!!

Dexter said...

Do you bake in the sun on hot days? I love to do that.


Katie Isabella said...

Good Meowning dear Keisha. I'm sorry I have not been here for a few days but I am here now. Sending kissies!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

keisha...iz it OK if we help R selves ta de fish in de tank...we will make sure DR doez knot get inta trubull when her place oh employ findz de fish missin...we will leeve a note !!

Ingrid said...

A fish tank ! My cats would love it !

Donna said...

Thank u, Sam. :) There are some small ones that u can see if u zoom in. They are close to the coral things. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Prancer Pie. :) I like scritchies! I hope u get the scritchies. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, John. :) I am happy.

Donna said...

Thank u, Michico, Adan and Lego. :) It is fun to get rubs and attention from our humans. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Dexter. :) Yes, I like sunshine a lot. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Katie Isabella. :) I always glad to see u!! :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Tabbies O Trout Towne. :) Maybe I could send u another picture, and you could pretend to eat that. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Gattina. :) Fish are fun to watch. :)

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Hi Keisha, We haz fishes to watch too,and scritchez on da back of da neck are always a good thing ^.,^

We came by to Fank You fur stopping by with your comforting wuffz on acounta Penelope'z leaving fur da Bridge so suddenly. You helped to make da dark dayz ahead a little more bearable ^..^ We so glad fur furiendz like you ♥xo♥
Hugz from da mom~

Soft Purrz from us ~
Sunny, Gabriel, Larry, Lolly, Ana ♥♥xoxo♥♥

White Dog Blog said...

Do you ever try to talk with the fish? I mean to they swim to the glass and look out at you and wave or smile?

Donna said...

Thank u, Siku Marie. :) My Dad has fish tanks. I watch the fishies!!

bbes tribe said...

Hi Keisha,, thanks fur stopping by to visit. We liked having you visit and are always glad to make new furiends ;-). Nice fish tank.. Our Dad's bday is May 1 too...
Ernie and the rest of the furkids

Donna said...

Thank u, Ernie. :) Birthdays are good.

Donna said...

Thank u, Bbes Tribe. :) I happy too.