Thursday, August 29, 2013

At the Rainbow Bridge

Hello, everyone. My name is Keisha. I am a little dog. Thank u from the bottom of my heart for reading this blog.

Today is a very sad day for my human friends, but a day of peace for me. I will be going to the Rainbow Bridge on Thursday morning, the 29th of August, 2013. I will be 16 years young.

I must thank all of you for your great kindness over the years. When I was born, back in 1997, I was adopted by a nice lady named Mrs. Williams. Then in 2004, she became ill and couldn't have me in her home anymore. So she let me find a new home with a family named the Rails. They adopted me after I'd been at the shelter only one day. :)

And that was it! I had a great time in their home. I played, ate, drank, went for countless walkies, and shared my stories with you. We all had a lot of fun. That was great!

Thank you for making my life fun and happy. Please keep the good memories. I will see all of you when our time comes.

Peace to all! :) Gotta go catch the bus with the angels.

Love, Keisha Williams Rail
the little spaniel mix



Angel Prancer Pie said...

Oh Keisha, we're heartbroken. Life here on the Blogosphere won't be the same without you, sweet girl. Godspeed. Sending love and light to your family. ((hugs))

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Pee Ess - we hope that it is ok that we mentioned this on our blog today.

Anonymous said...

Oh Keisha!

But I just met you and was so looking forward to knowing you better. It's so sad!
We know your family is doing the best that they can for you and we send all of our best and biggest purrs to you to help you over the Bridge.
Even though we only knew you a short time, we will miss you!

Alice & her Mum

Sasha said...

Dear Keisha and family, We are so sad to read this. Keisha you have been the best friend to both Diamond and Sasha. We don't get to post to many blogs, as Lynettea is so busy, but we always like to read yours and you have been so much a friend to us.
Lynettea is crying.
Look out for Diamond at the Rainbow Bridge. Your humans are in our thoughts.

Sasha said...

we have put a post to you on our blog.

The Bear's Blog said...

Sweet Keisha, thank you for always putting a sunbeam in our days.

Our beloved Annie, Maxie and our little Beagle cousin Lucy will be waiting to greet you.

When you cross over the Rainbow Bridge you will be young again, healthy and we will all be together one day.

God Bless you little one, and your "hoomins" too. If they need us tell them we are only an e-mail away.

Rob, Joyce & Prudence
Molly Brown & Jessie ♥

Katie Isabella said...

Keisha darling little girl, this is Katie Isabella's mom. I want you to know I will miss you SO much. I have enjoyed visiting with you since I first met you. You are a dear sweet little girl and there will be an empty place each day for me and Katie without you in our day. Love you dear girl and Katie and I will see you again by and by. xoxoxoxox always and ever.

Katie Isabella said...

Keisha, mommy and I put you on our blog this morning. Love you. xx

My Mind's Eye said...


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Oh no, Keisha. Blogville just won't be the same without you here every morning when we wake up. We send our deepest sympathy to your family but they are giving you the greatest gift of all....the gift of being pain-free and young again.

Please continue to send us updates from the Bridge on what you're doing everyday.

We love you, Keisha

PeeS....Mommy has another blog called "Our Rainbow Friends". She would like to add your picture to the August edition that will publish on September 15. Can you please send your favorite picture to ....
(higher resolution if possible)

Run young and free at the Bridge. You will always be in the hearts of those who knew and loved you.

meowmeowmans said...

Dearest Keisha, words cannot express how heartbroken we are that your time to go to the Bridge has arrived. We take some comfort in knowing that you will be free from suffering, and happy and healthy once again. We know we will see you again, when our time comes, but until then we will miss you so very much. We love you always, and will never forget you, sweet friend.

We know how much you love kitties, and we love the thought of you playing and relaxing with our angels, Sammy, Maggie, Graphite, Lady Madonna and Bitsy. They will surely be excited to welcome you.

To Mr. and Mrs. Rail, and D.R.: We are so sorry. Thank you for adopting sweet Keisha, for loving her so much and so well, and for sharing her with all of us. You are in our thoughts, purrs and prayers. Much love to you all.

Marg said...

Oh Keisha, we were just getting to know you and really like your blog. We are so so sad that you are going to the bridge but we so think that your Mom and Dad are doing the right thing. You will be running around like a puppy again. We are so glad you had so much love while you were with your family. Big hugs to the Mom and Dad. This is such a hard thing to go through. Lots of thoughts coming your way.

TimberLove said...

Soft husky wooooos,

RA, Isis & NanĂ¼k


Hi Keisha, we just saw over on Katie Isabella blog that you were travelling today to the Rainbow Bridge. We are sorry we did not get to know you before but we just wanted to stop by and let your Mom and Dad know how very sorry we are that you flew off to be with the Angels today. I made my trip on Aug 12 after a very brief illness and my Momma is still in deep sorrow. So she knows the hole that will be in your Mom's heart over the loss of you. We are so happy to know you had such a wonderful life as that will sustain your pawrents in their time of sadness.

You earned your beautiful wings today.
Angel Abby

Jans Funny Farm said...

We came over from Diamond's Blog by Sasha when we read the news. We know you are at peace but your family is hurting. Hugs, purrs and pawtaps for them.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Keisha.....sendin loves N hugs two yur mom, dad & DR during thiz veree sadz time...we bee trooly sorree to lurn de nastee C came round in de furst place; yet we noe now that ewe live in heaven; ewe R happee, healthee N free oh sickness for all ee turn itee....we noe what yur mom & dad & DR had ta due wuz veree veree hard; but they did it outta loves N compassion..thiz iz knot good bye; meer lee, til we meet again at heaven's door...keisha; pleez look for sauce N gram paw dude; they will show ewe wear de bak door to de kitshun iz sew ewe can sneek in & get cheeze....24/7. God's speed Keisha with loves frum all oh uz XOXOXO

wildcatwoods said...

Oh dear we are so very sorry to hear this news. We appreciate all your visits to our blog and wish we had known you longer. You are well and happy now and will watch over your dear hoomans until you all meet again. Sending lots of kitty hugs to your family. With deep sympathy,

cats of wildcat woods

Stewey said...

So sorry to hear the news. You're all in our thoughts during this difficult time. Run free, sweet Keisha.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me and mom are really sorry that you have left for The Rainbow Bridge ,Keisha :(
Sending lot of (((purrs))) and huggies to your humans <3

Cathy Keisha said...

I've come to pay my respects, Keisha. We share the same name so I really feel sad today. Sending comforting purrz to your family. Till we meet again. xoxo

Fuzzy Tales said...

Keisha, though we didn't know you, our human does know and understand how very hard it is for the humans to let a beloved companion fly free, even when it's their time.

We're wishing them peace in their hearts and we're wishing you godspeed.

Purrs and Blessings.

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Run free dear Keisha!!!

Oskar said...

Oh Keisha, you will be so very missed. I know this must be so hard for your people & we are sending them love & prayers.

The Blogosphere will never be the same.

Hugs & love,
Oskar & Pam

CATachresis said...

When we heard that you had gone to the Bridge, Keisha, we had to come and say how sorry we are, though we know you are peaceful and free now. But your folks will be very sad, we know! Purrs and hugs to them from Austin, Tigger and the human x0x

Terri said...

We're visiting from Katie's blog. We are sending hugs and purrs to your house. Sixteen years is a nice long life for a little dog :)

Run free and happy, Keisha!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

We so Sad and wif leaky eyez we readz you have left fur de Bridge already. We gladz you did not suffer, but so sad to see you leave......
We send LOUD purrayerz fur BRIGHT Light to guide your way , and Soft Purrz and kitty kisses to help comfort you pawrentz who we are sure, are broken hearted at your de-parture ^..^

Pleaze say HI! to Penelope fur us and tell her we luvz & misses her.

Kissiez to you Keisha ♥♥♥♥xoxoxo♥♥ we will miss you...... ^,,^

♥ Safe Journey Keisha ~ ♥

Soft Purrz fur your mom & dad~

^,,^ x6 + :,(

BeadedTail said...

We're so sorry to hear Keisha had to go to the bridge today. Our thoughts and purrs are with you.

Maggie May said...

My goodness, we are just so very sad to read this news. Keisha, you were so beautiful and so sweet and we know you will be greatly missed by so many.
Maggie May and The Creek Cats

Old Kitty said...

Dearest angel Keisha. We are so sad you are going to the Bridge. You are such a brave beautiful girl. We are heartbroken for your family. We send them lots of purrs and prayers. Take care

asta said...

Sweet littol Keisha,
I am sad to say fawewell to yoo, nut I am so happy to know that yoo have been so loved, by ywo families and so many fwiends..yoo had a life full of love hewe on eawf and I know now that yoo have cwossed the bwidge, you awe young again and welcomed by ouw angels..i send yoow family healing smoochies fow theiw sad heawts. I will see yoo and play wif yoo sumeday when I cwoss the bwidge
Love yo yoo angel Keisha
Smoochie kisses

GLOGIRLY said...

Oh sweet Keisha...we are so very sad to read this. Our hearts go out to your family. We know how much their hearts must heart right now.

purrs & love,
Glogirly, Katie & Waffles

Photo Cache said...

we heard about your journey from prancer pie's blog and we came over to wish you a safe journey. we are sorry we didn't get to know you and your humans.

did you know that our pawrents went to the shelter so many times to find a spaniel? but what they went home with are two cats, us. they are still looking for spaniels in the shelter to take home and be our brofur or sisfur.

hugs to your humans.

emma and buster

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

I am sorry that you had to leave for the bridge. I know your folks will certainly miss you as your friends will. Forever now be at peace and run free with your friends that had been waiting for you.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

Keisha; God's speed two ewe across Rainbow bridge and HIS strength two yur mom, dad & DR. we noe this wuz a veree hard decision for them; but one made frum love & compassions for ewe. we bee trooly sorree de nasteee C infected ewe frum de start tho we noe ewe R now happee, healthee & free frum pain in heaven. this iz knot good bye, meer lee, until we meet again...with hugs N loves frum all oh us in TT; xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh sweet Keisha, I did not know you, but I just know you have gossamer wings right now and that Pepi Smart Dog has met you after your full spa treatments where you are refreshed and revitalized as though you were a young girl again. Run free Angel Keisha

Idaho PugRanch said...

Dear Sweet Keisha, we know you were met at the bridge by those furiends that have gone before you. You were very loved here on earth and your hoomans gave you the most loving gift at the end. Our prayers for your family.
Bailey, Hazel, Greta and Mom

Mo and The Purries said...

Sending love and condolences to your family.
PURRS from all of us at Purrchance To Dream.

M Dawson said...


Not the sweet girl whose blog I drop by on and see the reprts about you and Mom and Dad and DR. I am in tears. No not my friend, the dog always with a friendly word for me.

* sobs *

Oh my friend. i will miss you so much.


katsrus said...

Sending hugs and purrs from our house to yours.
Sue B

katsrus said...

Sending hugs and purrs from our house to yours.
Sue B

Scout and Freyja said...

Sending tender thoughts to the hearts who are mourning this sweet girl. Rest well, Keisha, you have earned your wings.

Jenn said...

Keisha I am so sad to hear this. I will miss you but at least you won't be in pain anymore. Hugs and prayers to you and your family.

Till we meet again... <3

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh Keisha we are so very sorry. Life here on the Blogosphere won't be the same without you, sweet girl. Sending love and light to your family. ((hugs)) & <3

Flamincatdesigns said...

Oh dear Keisha, I am in shock to be reading about you going to the bridge. I haven't spoken with you in a couple of months. So sorry you had to leave your human. Sending soft kitty purrs and prayers for you and your family and this very sad time. (I'm kat from fursbook/fursplace and fb)

SailorEdgar said...

I just read the sad news on Katie Isabella's blog. It is a very sad time for your humans and all your friends, but when you go over the Rainbow Bridge you will be all well and healthy again! Maybe you will see our beloved Hemingway and Margo. Hemingway did not mind when woofies came in our yard. Margo did not really care who came in the yard. :-) Run free until you meet your family again!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We are sorry woo've had to leave us BUT we are so happy woo are amongst so many furiends AND all healthy and spunky again!

I'm pretty sure Angel Merdie was one of the furst to greet woo!

We feel so badly that Mom has been too busy to let us stop by and visit here but please know woo have been in our thoughts -

I think woo are probably amongst the furst of my bloggie pals!

Wear your wings with pride!


Team Tabby said...

Keisha we got the sad news in our mailbox that you were leaving for the Rainbow Bridge, we are very sad to hear this. We know your family is heartbroken and we send our purrs and headbumps to comfort them.


Mariodacat said...

Oh Keisha - I'm so very sorry you had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge, but at least you don't have any pain and there are lots of our pals up there to run and play with. To mom and dad and sisfur - M says her heart is breaking for your loss. She knows what is like, along with all the blog community. Know that you gave Keishha a wonderful home full of love. Now you have shown that final act of love by helping her cross that bridge. A big HUG for all of you. We know how you feel.

Tamago said...

We are so sorry to hear sad news about your dear baby Keisha... Sending warm thoughts and prayers to you.

Unknown said...

Oh Keisha,
wes is sending lots of love and strength to your family! Wes knows yous had a heart bigger than the whole wide world and yous will be missed!
Nellie and Kozmo and Jo-Jo and the hairy Slobbery Sisters Bob and Cinnamon and Mommy!

The Island Cats said...

Keisha, we are sorry to hear that you have to leave this world and are going to the Rainbow Bridge. We hope your journey will be peaceful. We send comforting purrs to your family because we know they will miss you very much.

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Clooney said...

Oh no, we are so very sorry to hear about Keisha's passing, that is such sad news. We send you all our gentlest purrs and our thoughts of love to help heal your sad hearts. We will be thinking of you.

Be Well Sweet Keisha

Pattyskypants said...

This is very sad news. Until we meet again, Keisha! xxoo Patty & Bhu

Oui Oui said...

Oh, Keisha, we will miss you! Purrhaps you were a little spaniel, but you had a big heart. We'll always remember you, and we are purring for you and all your loved ones. Our deepest condolences.

Karen Jo said...

I am so sorry that Keisha had to leave for the Rainbow Bridge. She was a sweetheart. I send hugs and the kitties send comforting purrs.

♥Mona + Prissy + Angel Weenie♥ said...

We are so sorry to hear of Keisha's passing and will keep your family in ours prayers. My brother Weenie is there too and I bet Keisha and he are friends already.


dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, we've loved your blog and seeing your adventures. Me and Hammy send your humans some virtual cuddles. Fly high, sweet Keisha.

Mr. Breeze said...

OMC Keisha, so sorry to hear you had to go OTRB. *headbonks* for your hoomans.

Everycat said...

Keisha, we did not get to meet you until today and we are sorry about that.

We are very sorry that you had to leave but happy that you had such a lovely life with your family

We send love and rumbly purrs to your family

Gerry & Mungo

Rubie and Poots (her Mum) said...

đŸ˜¥đŸ˜¥We are very sad to hear this update. Still a happy long life was enjoyed with a wonderful loving family and pack. We loved your blog. Run free buddy!! đŸ˜¥đŸ˜¥đŸ˜¥

Daisy said...

Keisha, thank you so much for being my friend. I will miss you very, very much. When it is my time to go to the Bridge, I will look for you. Rest in peace sweet girl.

Anonymous said...

We send love and hugs on your loss.....No doubt Keisha is playing and watching from the Bridge but the emptiness and quiet back here can be overwhelming we know. It helps to know that over the Bridge there is no cancer or illness or sadness....but there is one more angel now than before.

Pam and Sammy

Hilary said...

Oh Keisha, I am so sorry for your family... I know you are going to a better place, where you will be able to run and play with your friends who have gone before you. I know Alex was there to welcome you... You were a wonderful friend to so many and you will be deeply missed by everyone you touched.

run free

John Bellen said...

Good-bye, Keisha. You'll leave many sad hearts behind you. It's plain that you were, are and will be loved. Godspeed.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

We're very sorry for your humans. It's never easy and they will miss you forever.

Duke said...

We are so sorry that we never got to know you, Keisha. Godspeed.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to your family and friends.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Kitties Blue said...

Keisha, we are so sorry we didn't meet you before you had to go to the R.B. You certainly were a darling girl and so lucky to have had two families to love you. Sending prayers and our sympathy to your family. We know they are grieving and missing you. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Julia Williams said...

Sweet Keisha, I am sending your family lots of hugs, purrs and woofs. But I am so glad that you had such a wonderful life while you were here.

Taffy said...

What a beautiful girl! I'm so sorry I didn't get the opportunity to get to know her sooner. Mom and I are sending love and hugs your way.

M Dawson said...

Dash has written, now it's my turn, his Mum.

I have loved Keisha's blog since I discovered it. Even if I read a post and was not able to respond. Keisha is a wonderful dog and a wonderful blogger. Thank you for a wonderful gentle, loving and sweet world. Thank you for loving a wonderful girl.

No-one will miss her more than you, but our missing her will come close. Heck I will miss her so much. Will you pass on my love to DR and wish her well with her job hunting - and once again, I must say,

THANK YOU for sharing your girl on a wonderful blog.

Marjorie Dawson

Sasha said...

We are missing Keisha so much. We are thinking of you and think that Keisha and Diamond must have got together at the Rainbow Bridge by now.

Herman TattleCat said...

Keisha, you were an angel even before you went over the rainbow bridge.

Thor and Jack said...

We're so sorry to read this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family.

Thor and Jack xxxx

Thor and Jack said...

We're so sorry to read this. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and all your family.

Thor and Jack xxxx

Katie Isabella said...

Keisha, love you so much and thank you for the hug and kiss. xoxoxoxo forever.

Katie Isabella said...

and yes, you were an Angel before you got to the Bridge. xxxooooxxx

Little Reufus said...

My Sweet Keisha

This is the third time I habbs read yeur post and tried teu comment... and I am once again, a blubbering mess.

Keisha, I lubbs yeu wif all my heart. Yeu are so berry sbeshull teu me, and clearly... teu so many.

Yeu libbs in my heart. And from there, I send lubbs teu yeur D.R. and yeur whole family.

Once an angel, always an angel... please teu keep in touch. I miss yeu so much already...

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Keisha, we will love you... ALWAYS.


Sushi said...

Keisha, my friend. I was away for so long. I didn't even know you have that ugly, evil C. So sorry... I'll miss you. Purrs...

Maggie Mae said...

RIP sweet Keisha...

Maggie Mae and Max

Kali and Aswell said...

Oh no! We do all be so very sorry. You will be missed.

She do had waters in She's eyes.

K (Suka's Mom) said...

Dear Keisha's Family,

I just read of the passing of sweet Keisha on Khyra's blog and am so deeply sorry. Keisha was such a dear friend to my Suka and we always enjoyed stopping by her blog and reading her fun and interesting posts of how her day went. We loved learning of D.R. and the rest of her family. My heart breaks for your loss. Keisha was so incredibly sweet and kind and loving and she will be greatly missed.

Please accept my deepest heartfelt condolences for the loss of your beautiful girl. I know Suka was at the Rainbow Bridge happy to meet his blogging pal.

In Peace and Sympathy,


Unknown said...

Oh Keisha. Mine human bean Fran do be having lots and lots of waters coming from her eyes. She said she do be sad. I hope you do has all the walkies and treats that you could ever want where you are now.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Okay, we've been away so this is a deep, deep shock for us. We don't know where to begin. We have always counted on Keisha posting to my bloggie. I don't know what to say. But we're sure that the decision to help you to the bridge was long and agonizing for your humans. We're deeply sadden and shocked. I've already told my dad to close his mouth. We're sorry. I bet we could have been great friends had we met. Your buddy, Sam.

Smudgie said...

God bless, Keisha.