Saturday, March 29, 2014

O hai, I like Caturday :)

Hi there! My name is Keisha. I am a dog who lives in the Happy Place. Thank u for reading this blog.  :)

Today is Caturday. It is a good day to check in with your kitteh friends. Cats love to play with jingle toys and catnip. That is fun! :)

My hoomin friend D.R. had a good week. It is raining now where she lives, but she likes to watch soccer on the teevee, so that is okay.

Did u know? There is a duck sitting on a nest outside D.R.'s house! That is awesome! :) D.R. is very happy. She says the mom duck is very good. A kitteh came up to the nest the other day, but the duck made it run away. The nest is made out of a pile of fluffy feathers. D.R. can't wait to see the little babehs when they hatch. She said some ducks had babehs by her house years ago, and they were very, very cute. :)

Okay, I see u later. Thanks! {{{Luv}}}


Laika said...

Tell D.R. to take pictures of the babies. I can't wait to see them. Have a great day.

Donna said...

Thank u, Laika. :) I will tell her! :)

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi Keisha !
Happy CATurday to you too :)
Me too can't wait to see pictures on the small duckies !

Donna said...

Thank u, Kjelle Bus. :) I bet they will be very cute!! :)

Unknown said...

Awww how cute to see baby duckies soon. We love to see you again sweet Keisha.
Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Donna said...

Thank u, Molly. :) I bet the duckies will be super cute!

Little Reufus said...

Sheu Sheu Kitty Kat!! I can't wait teu see the duck babies!!!

Wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Donna said...

Thank u, Little Reufus. :) I am sure the babehs will be adorable!!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

We don't have any ducks here but, I'm tellin' you, they should visit for sure. It's pourin' out there. I'm told that ducks are quite partial to rain. Like I said, they should visit. If it keeps on rainin', we might even have a pond for 'em.


Donna said...

Thank u, Nerissa. :) I will send u sunshine!

meowmeowmans said...

Hi there, Angel Keisha! That is very exciting that there will soon be baby duckies for D.R. to see!

Donna said...

Thank u, Meowmeowmans. :) Everyone is looking forward to it!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hi to you and to D.R. Enjoy the ducks. They are always fun to watch and you'll have a front row seat when the babies hatch.

Donna said...

Thank u, Jan's Funny Farm. :) Ducks are neat!!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

My cats are young and are playing or eating or sleeping /24/7...
Oh I forgot maybe in the litter pan!!! LOL
Thamks for your visit!!

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Our rain turned into snow. MOUSES!


Donna said...

Thank u, Animal Lover - Quilt Lover. :) U can has welcome.

Donna said...

Thank u, Nerissa. :) I hope u gets warm weather soon. :)

Ingrid said...

My cats send a meow to you !

Donna said...

Thank u, Gattina. :) I wave my paw to say Hello!

Mollie said...

Fank youz for making my birthday so special. Wez away'z the weekend'z
so catch up'z wiff you Monday'z xxxxxx

Load'z of Hug'z

Mollie and Alfie

Donna said...

Thank u, Mollie. :) Happy birthday! :)