Saturday, August 30, 2014

D.R. losted her job :(

O hai, my name is Keisha. I am a little dog who lives in Heaven. :) Nice to see u. Thanks for reading mah blog.

I has a sad news. My hoomin friend D.R. lost her job on Friday. She came home and watched teevee. She was very sad, but now she will be looking for a new one, so it won't be bad forever. I sent her lots of little kisses to make her smile. :)

Also, Friday was my one-year anniversary of going to the Rainbow Bridge! We had a cake and everything. There was music and dancing. Every day is fun here. :)

D.R. is a little bit happy, though, because she saw some exciting news on the tee vee. They are going to have new NHL hockey teams in four places. Toronto is one, Las Vegas is another, Quebec City is the third, and I don't know what the fourth one is. D.R. likes hockey, though. There is a team in Tampa called the Lightning that she likes. D.R. also is a big fan of the New York Rangers. She said she will get new trading cards when the new teams come out.

Okay, now I am going bowling with some of my friends. Then we are going to get ice cream. I hope you have a fun weekend. Thanks! {{{Luv}}}


Marg said...

Hi there Angel Keisha. So sorry DR lost her job. We are sending lots of purrs that she finds another on really soon. Sending some hugs too just in case she needs them. Happy Saturday to all of you.

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Sending purrs to D.R. We hope she isn't too sad and finds a new job, soon.

Happy Weekend, furriends!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Hi Angel Keisha !
Sorry to hear that D.R lost her job :(
Keep my paws crossed that she will find a new job in no time !

Sounds like you had lot's of FUN on your PARTY up at the bridge :)


Unknown said...

We send DR extra virtual hugs and we hope she finds something even better soon. Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are sure sorry D.R. lost that job thing and we shall purr for a new one. We are glad you had a nice celebration sweetie.

Donna said...

Thank u, Marg. :) I will tell her!

Donna said...

Thank u, Angel Prancer Pie. :) I bet she will. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Kjelle Bus. :) The party was good!

Donna said...

Thank u, Molly. :) U have a good Caturday too!

Donna said...

Thank u, Brian. :) Purrs are good.

My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Keisha, great to hear from you. We're sorry that D.R.'s job didn't work out. That's okay - time to move on and find another opportunity. Got to pay for those hockey tickets.

Amanda said...

Sorry to hear about the job - am sure with you sending your angelic kisses down, she will soon feel better and get a new one :-)

TimberLove said...

Sorry to hear about the job my friends, all our prayers and encouraging husky woooos,


Donna said...

Thank u, Sam. :) I bet she gets a new job soon!

Donna said...

Thank u, A Spaniel's Tale. :) I know she will!

Donna said...

Thank u, Nuk Nuk. :) I will send her more hugs and cuddles too.

meowmeowmans said...

We are sorry to hear that D.R. lost her job, Keisha. We are purring and praying she finds a new one soon.

Glad you had a nice celebration.

Donna said...

Thank u, Meowmeowmans. :) Parties in Heaven are the best!

Katie Isabella said...

I am so sorry DR posted her hobby. IT is very bad times for our humans. Hope her gets another quickly.

Donna said...

Thank u, Katie Isabella. :) I will send D.R. more kisses every day.

Vanessa Morgan said...

So sorry to hear this. I hope your human will find a new job soon. Have a lucky week ;-)

Donna said...

Thank u, Vanessa. :) I bet she finds a good job soon!


Hi Angel Keisha.
We are so sorry to hear that your friend D.R. lost her job. We hope she finds one she likes even more. Well we are glad she is happy about the moves in Hockey!

Donna said...

Thank u, Angel Abbygrace. :) It is fun to watch the games on the tee vee!

Little Reufus said...

I am SO upset for D.R. I wish so badly that we could find her a good, permanent job... Please to give her our best wishes. We are praying!

And Happy Anniversary! We are still SO sad that you left us, but I'm pretty sure you are the most popular Angel in Heaven!

We love you!

Little Reufus and the Mom

Donna said...

Thank u, Little Reufus and The Mom. :) I bet D. R. gets a new job that is really good!

Sasha said...

we are sad that D.R. has to look for another job. She usually seems to get another one quickly. I am purring for her.

Donna said...

Thank u, Sasha. :) I bet she gets a good job soon!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am here to say hello!
and sending you and D.R lots of love!


Donna said...

Thank u, Tweedles. :) That will make her smile a lot. :)

Pawesome Cats said...

We're sorry about your job - that happened to our mum a couple of years ago now. But we bet another, better job is just around the corner for you. Best wishes.

Donna said...

Thank u, Pawesome Cats. :) I bet she does!

Ingrid said...

I cross my fingers that she finds a new job very soon !

Donna said...

Thank u, Gattina. :) I think so too!