O hai! My name is Keisha. Thank u very much for reading my bloggygog today. :)
I was out for walkies with Mom before, and I did a thing. I eated a piece of stuff from the lawn. It was a leaf. Mom said not to, but I thought it smelled good. I nommed it really fast. Mom is worried that I might get a hurt in my tummy, but I feel okay so far. D.R. took me for another walk, and nothing happened. :)
D.R. saw a very pretty birdee walking in the bushes outside her job place. It was a heron, a white birdee with very long legs. It walked through the plants and made them go ruffle ruffle. She said the feathers were very pretty and white like snow. :)
I waked up early this morning, so I got to sit with Mom and Dad when they had breakfast, and they had the nooz on the teevee. The nooz had lots of words from people in polly ticks. D.R. says polly ticks is confusing. I think so too. The people had lots of speeches, where they said blah blah blah and blibbety blah and stuff, and it made my eyeballs go all funny. D.R. says it is good to vote. I wish I could vote. I am more than 18 in people years! :)
D.R. learned something new at work today. She got a special password. The capooter lets her look up stuff if you can't read a person's writing on paper. It is very very secret and you are not allowed to look up anything fun, like weather stuff or games with spaceships. Oh yipes.
Sunday is a special day in the U.S. It is September 11. A lot of people died ten years ago, when there were very bad attacks in New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania. I has a sad. :( Rest in peace.
I found this really funny thing from the news in Sweden. It's here, you can read it. If u are a human, do you want to get a cute outfit for ur dog? They have awesome things like coats and hats. They look awesome. :)
Okay, I heard Mom getting some food, so I am gonna go see. Bye for now! Thanks. :)
Keisha, I eat leaves all the time, even dead brown ones! Nothing bad ever happens except Mommy calls me silly names, pffffft!
Luv, CC
Hi Keisha, I have a really good nose and I can smell stuff and if my peoples are not fast enough, I might be able to grab and eat stuff too. But my peoples are pretty wary about me and always hover just in case. Anyways, you're not supposed to eat stuff that your humans didn't give you. Remember what happened last time???
Thank u, Katnip Lounge. :) I think next time, I will try to see if Dad has some cookies. :)
Thank u, Topcat. :) Oh yeah, I am not supposed to eat that stuff. I will try to stop. :)
Hi Keisha, "top cat" is my silly dad. I helped him write the post but he sent it under his name. Anyways I hope that you're feeling "okay" - no more eating stuff your humans haven't given you. Okay? We want you to be well for a long, long time.
I'm a cat and never allowed outside my domain. I'd just eat bugs and it wud gross Mom out.
You're smart listening to the noos with Mom and Dad. Mom tries to get me to watch tee vee with her. I'd rather nap.
Hi Keisha! We are glad the leaf did not make you sick. We eat stuff off the lawn sometimes and then mama says she will have to watch us for awhile. We don't know why but we like for her to watch us play.
Lots of purrs,
Cindi Lou and The Kitty Krew
I eat leaves too, Keisha..it'll be alright. They have a great crunch too. But ask mommy if we can see a bright picture of your beautiful face sometime when she has the time?
Thank u, Sam. :) I sorry. I just eat regular food from now on. :)
Thank u, Great Granny. :) Sometimes teevee is fun. It has trucks, or weather, or stuff like that. I like when I sit on the couch and Dad rubs my tummy. :)
Thank u, Cindy Lou and Kitties. :) I hope I get a pretzel or cookie from Dad tonite. I bet that tastes a lot better. :)
Thank u, Admiral Hestorb. :) I did eat salad before. Salad is leaves too! :)
Me don't likes da polly ticks either. Me would rather watch da Animal Planet!
Hi Keisha!
We hope that leaf you ate does not hurt your tummy. So far, it sounds like you are going to be okay! :)
What excellent adventures you have my dear!
Thank u, Amber. :). I like Animal Planet a lot. It has ellyphants and giraffes! :)
Thank u, meowmeowmans. :). I am feelin kinda good. No rumbles. On Caturday, I think I'll just have regular food. :)
Thank u, d'Artagnan. :). I like to do different things. I is like an explorer! :)
I like to eat random things, but sometimes it's not good & I have to go to the vet, so I try not to do it anymore.
Have a great weekend!
Nubbin wiggles,
Thank u, Oskar. :) I think I have to wait until Mom has a nice salad. Those have dressing. Mmmmm! :)
Hi Keisha! This is my first visit and I really like your blog! I'll definitely be back!
Have a nice weekend!
Thank u, Rumpydog. :) I is very glad u are my friend. {{{Rumpydog}}} U can has welcome. :)
Thank u, Terrorzinhos. :) I hope u has a good weekend too! :)
Wow you had a busy day! I eat leaves and stuff, too. And other things I'm not 'posed to. burp. Sure hope you're having a great weekend!
Thank u, Kim. :) I eated some regular food today. It was better than the leaf. :)
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