Monday, March 4, 2013

V-e-t visit, I has it :(

O hai, my name is Keisha. Thank you for reading mah blog. :)

Today, I had to go to the v-e-t. I did not like it! :( They made me go on a table. Then, they stoled some of my bloods. :( And they didn't even give them back to me. They said I have arf-ritis, which means my bones and joints hurt. The doctor gave me medicine for that, even though I already had some. I had a p-o-o-p in the office. They cleaned up. I think it happened because I was so nervous. When everything was done, I went home.

Yesterday, D.R. gave me some frosting out of a cookie. Mmmmm! That part was good. Then I ate D.R.'s finger by mistake. That was not so good. :( I nibbled D.R.'s left pointy finger, and she said "Ouch!" Her finger turned red. No bloods came out, though. I was worried a little, so I ran to the living room. Then I forgot what happened, and watched teevee with Dad. D.R.'s finger was still red today.

Also, yesterday, I got stuck in D.R.'s room because I was running next to the bed. I got stuck between there and the lamp table. So D.R. picked me up, and I got skeered right away, and wiggled out of the way. I ran out of the room. D.R. immediately had a big Sad, and water came out of her eyes a little bit. She didn't want me to be skeered. She just wanted me not to be stuck anymore. I think maybe I will be careful next time. The thing is, D.R. used to have a radio there, that I would pull over. Now she gave it away, so I don't have any wires to play with. D.R. says she may give me a little pillow instead.

Okay, I am going to sit by the teevee and watch with Mom. Then I am going to sleep on the blankie. Bye! {{{Luv}}}


My Dog Sam - Ruptured Disk said...

Hi Keisha, I hope that your arthritis meds help. My peeps see my vet for acupuncture and that helps me. Maybe your vet or some other doctor could help you this way.

Donna said...

Thank u, Sam. :) Wow, I bet that is good. :) I hopes u feel more better too. :)

Angel Prancer Pie said...

Glad your V-e-t visit is over! Maybe your new arthur-itis pills will work better. Hope you pass all those blood tests! Happy Tuesday! xoxo

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We don't like VET either,
but I think you are doing great job!!!
I hope your bones problem could be recover soon~~

Sending our best prayers for you.

Unknown said...

We too hope your meds help you sweet Keisha. Onwards and upwards dear friend.Have a terrific Tuesday.
Best wishes Molly

Mollie said...

Bawwaaahhaaa pooping in the vets, that's a classic.. Hoping you are feeling better :) xx00xx

Mollie and Alfie

da tabbies o trout towne said...

meowloz keisha.....sorree ya had ta go two de V place....sorree bout yur arthur itiz two.....prob ablee if yur mom N dad N DR gived ewe steak everee day; it wood help yur bones A LOT !!!! ask em ta try it:)

haza grate twoozday !!

Donna said...

Thank u, Prancer Pie. :) I think the new medicine is good.

Donna said...

Thank u, Michico, Adan and Lego. :) I am going to rest after I take the medicine. Then I will be better. :)

Donna said...

Thank u, Molly. :) I was scared before, but I'm glad the doctor helped me.

Donna said...

Thank u, Mollie. :) I feel more good now. Thanks!

Donna said...

Thank u, Tabbies o Trout Towne. :) I think steak is the best!

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Keep my paws crossed that your new med´s will work !

Donna said...

Thank u, Kjelle Bus. :) I am feeling a little better now.

Ingrid said...

My cats hate the vet too !

Bocci said...

Oh, poor Keisha! So sorry that doc didn't give you your blood back. Try not to be scared:-)

Donna said...

Thank u, Bocci. :) I feel a little better now. :)

Katie Isabella said...

Oh Keisha, DR would never ever scare you on purpose and of course I know you realize that. xoxox

Donna said...

Thank u, Gattina. :) I was so happy when I got home!

Donna said...

Thank u, Katie Isabella. :) I forgives her. It will be fun to play with the pillow next time.