Hello, everybody! My name is Keisha, and welcome to this blog. I am happy to have you here. :)
The picture up there is from the place where my friend D.R. used to work. She is now looking for a new job. Already today, she e-mailed a resume to a man from an agency that helps people find jobs. She also went to a government office where she did some more looking for work. Then she came home. I was sitting on the floor. She said hi to me, and I stayed there to rest. It is good to sit by the window and lap up the sunbeams. :)
My Mom and Dad had to fill a hole in the backyard. Sometimes in Florida we have these things called sinkholes. They are full of mud and air, and they open up, and stuff can fall in them if you are not careful. So Mom and Dad went to get some repair stuff from the home repair store. They put stuff in the ground, and now the ground is better. Yay! :)
The Easter bunny was good to us! He brought us roast beef and vegetables for dinner. I got to eat little bits of that. They were good! :) I hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful Easter.
Also, Happy Passover to all who observe it as well. :)
D.R went out for a walk this afternoon. It was a little hot, so she came back early. She may go out again. She saw lizards! :)
Okay, now I am going to nap in Mom's room, next to the bed. I hope everyone has a lovely week. :) {{{Luv}}}
keisha...a happee week two ewe two....WAY happee ta heer ya hada grate easter with ROAST BEEF !!! yum
pleez ta tell DR to chek de website
haza awesum kinda monday:)
Thank u, Tabbies o Trout Towne. :) D.R. says she likes that website.
Momma said she hopes D.R. finds a new job soon. Enjoy nappin'.
Thank u, Sushi. :) I am sure she will be okay. :)
Glad to hear you had a good Easter, Keisha. We did, too. No hot weather here. 48 degrees Fahrenheit for a high on Tuesday. Brrrrr! Good nappin weather. Have a great day. xoxoxo
Thank u, Prancer Pie. :) I hope u are nice and warm. :)
Hi there, thanks for stopping and saying hello today!
Wow, Keisha, you had a sinkhole in your backyard? That is sort of scary! We are sure glad your Mom and Dad fixed it.
We are glad the Easter Bunny brought you such good stuff. We hope D.R. finds a new job real soon!
Thank u, Roxy. :) I like to see u too! :)
Thank u, Meowmewomans. :) Easter was fun. I am glad the backyard is fixed too. :)
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