Hello there. I am Keisha. Welcome to mah blog. Thank u for readin it today. :)
Mah Mom and Dad moved the Cripmus tree to the front room. I was confoozed. Will Santy Paws see it? I hope so. I was sleepin on the couch all the time, in case he got to our house early. Now I dunno. Maybe I have to sleep next to the table. I hope the reindeer don't step on me.
D.R. got a really neat car. It is not a big car that you can drive. It is a remote control car, that goes Rrrrrrrrrrr. The car is blue and has lights. D.R. told me to not eat it. I will try.
D.R. also got a new mousie for her compooter. It is not a squeak squeak mouse, it is a blue clicky thing that u can use to make the compooter do things. D.R. said it almost didn't work, but then it did. It reminds me of my stuffed friend, Mr. Alien. He has tentacles. Mr. Alien is more green, though.
I went to see mah friend's rooms the other day. When I got to D.R.'s room, I sniffed stuff in the corner. I like to look by the nightstand and the dresser. U never know what stuff u will see. One time, I saw a magic marker. Another time, I got to sniff D.R.'s shooez. They are funny! She has two kinds of dem, one for werk and one that are sneekors, so she can go walkin and stuff. I don't wear shooez. I just cleen my paws. :)
D.R. had a big Sad the other day. Her manajurs from werk got mad and told her she wasn't doin okay. D.R. tried really hard, and she is still workin there. She has been at this place for two weeks. D.R. is glad to have a job, but she had to pet me a lot in the past couple days, to feel better. I like the snorgles. I hope lots of happyness went from mah furs into her noggin. That way, she feel better next time. :)
Okay, I am gonna take a rest now. To my hooman friends, please make sure ur critters are safe, no matter where u lives. Thank u. I see u later. Bye! :)
Please give D.R. some snuggles from me -
Thank u, Khyra. :) I will do that. :)
Two weeks! Woohoo! So exciting!
Sometimes jobs are hard. My Mommeh wishes she could stay home with me instead of going to work.
Thank u, Sprollies & Border Collies. :) I can't wait! Cripmus is goin to be fun. :)
Thank u, Daisy. :) I wish D.R. could stay at home with me. We could sit on the couch and watch moovies! :) I will give her extra cuddles next week.
We are eager to get to Christmas eve!
We can not wait to open our gifts.
hope you get lot's of them!
Jack, Kaiser and Farrusquinho
Thank u, Terrorzinhos. :) I am hopin I been good this year, so I get some treets from Santy. Also, I hope my hoomans do, too. :) Merry Kipmas to u and ur friends, also! :)
Give D.R. lots of snuggles from us too!
Lots of snuggles from all of us to D.R., too! Not a good time for big Sads, we want her happy!
Don't worry, Keisha, Santa and the reindeers will know EXACTLY where the tree - and you - are!
Thank u, Creek Cats. :) D.R. pet me a lot today. That was good! :)
Thank u, CindyLu's Muse. :) I will make sure D.R. has lots of extra cuddles, to keep her feelin good all day. :)
We hope that D.R. feels better and that things go better at her job. I am glad that you were there for her Keisha!
Thank u, Cheyenne-Millie. :) I gived her a kiss when she came in tonight, and not just because she had a burrito for dinner and smelled like cheez. :)
I will send a few purrrs to your friend DR. purrrr purrrr purrrr.
I hope Santy Claws sees your tree and leaves you a good pressie.
Thank u, Diamond. :) D.R. sends u a hug. {{{Diamond}}} I hope Santy Paws brings us lots of gifts and cookies. :)
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